MMed Protocol Committee

Given the changing requirements for postgraduate qualification, feasible but valid research projects are becoming increasingly important. In order to ensure that academic standards are in order before submission to the ethics committee and to improve the quality of MMed proposals, the MMed Committee was constituted in May 2008. Our task is to provide protocol development support to the various departments and by doing so helping to increase the quality and output of research within the School of Medicine. (MMed students of SHSPH are supervised and evaluated by the SHSPH).

Click here to link to the complete document which includes the Meeting AND Submission dates.

Note:  New email to submit protocols to [email protected]

For TNM800 dates check here

The required documents for MMed submission are the following:

Application form

Supervisor form

Statistical support form    NEW!!!! NEW!!!! list of biostaticians you can contact

Protocol template (Open in Word)

Complete and hand in the critical appraisal (the same as used by the Committee to assess your protocol).

There are currently STANDARD RECOMMENDATIONS for how clinical research protocols should be designed and the research reported. Please see


MMed Committee Meeting
Closing Date for Submissions Meeting
07 January 2019 21 January 2019
28 January 2019 11 February 2019
25 February 2019 11 March 2019
29 March 2019 15 April 2019
29 April 2019 13 May 2019
27 May 2019 10 June 2019
28 June 2019 08 July 2019
29 July 2019 12 August 2019
26 August 2019 09 September 2019
30 September 2019 14 October 2019
28 October 2019 11 November 2019

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