Sport & Leisure Studies


LC de Villiers Sport Centre





Phasing Out of the Department of Sport and Leisure Studies


Dear Parent / Guardian and / or Student,

The Department of Sport and Leisure Studies is being phased out. Please take note of the following information:


1.    Undergraduate Bachelor’s Degrees:

1.1    Bachelor of Arts (Human Movement Sciences):

(BA HMS) (01130122, 01130123)

This degree is being phased out from 2014 to 2018. The last intake of first year students was 2014. No new students are accepted into this programme. This programme will close at the end of 2018.


1.2    Bachelor in Sport Sciences:

(BSportSci) (01135051, 01135052)

This degree is being phased out from 2014 to 2018. The last intake of first year students was 2014. No new students are accepted into this programme. This programme will close at the end of 2018.

For information on degrees in Biokinetics and Sport Sciences please contact Prof Paola Wood on [email protected] or 012-420-6046.


1.3    Bachelor of Arts (Sport and Leisure Studies):

(BA SLS) (01130128, 01130129, 01130130, 01130132)

This degree, with its associated four options, is being phased out from 2017 to 2021. The last intake of first year students was 2017. No new students are accepted into this programme. This programme will close at the end of 2021.


2.    Postgraduate Honors Degrees: 

2.1    Bachelor of Arts Honors (Human Movement Sciences) (Biokinetics):    

(BAHons HMS (Biokinetics)) (01240522)

This degree is presented for the last time in 2017 and will close at the end of 2017. No new students will be admitted for 2018.


2.2    Bachelor of Arts Honors (Human Movement Sciences) (Sport Sciences):

(BAHons HMS (Sport Sciences)) (01240513)

This degree is presented for the last time in 2017 and will close at the end of 2017. No new students will be admitted for 2018.

For information on degrees in Biokinetics and Sport Sciences please contact Prof Paola Wood on [email protected] or 012-420-6046.


2.3    Bachelor of Arts Honors (Sport and Leisure Studies) (Sport and Recreation Management):

(BAHons SLS (Sport and Recreation Management)) (01240515)

This degree will be presented in 2018.

For information on this degree in Sport and Recreation Management, please contact Miss Eloise Nel on [email protected].


3.      Postgraduate Masters Degrees:

(MA HMS (Human Movement Science)) (01250122, 01250123, 01250124, 01250125)

No new students will be admitted on to the postgraduate master’s degrees in the Department of Sport and Leisure Studies in 2018 due to a lack of staff with appropriate qualifications to facilitate research supervision.

For more information in this regards please contact Prof Ben Steyn on [email protected].


4.      Postgraduate Doctoral Degrees:

(PhD SLS (Sport and Recreation Management)) (01264127, 01264121, 01264123, 01264124, 01264125)

No new students will be admitted on to the postgraduate doctoral degrees in the Department of Sport and Leisure Studies in 2018 due to a lack of staff with appropriate qualifications to facilitate research supervision.

For more information in this regards please contact Prof Ben Steyn on [email protected].


Kind regards,

Ms Eloise Nel

Acting Head of Department







Uitfasering van die Departement Sport- en Vryetydstudies


Geagte Ouer / Voog en / of Student,

Die Departement Sport- en Vryetydstudies word uitgefaseer. Let asseblief op die volgende inligting:


1.    Voorgraadse Baccalaureusgrade:

1.1    Baccalaureus Artium (Menslike Bewegingskunde):

(BA MBK) (01130122, 01130123)

Hierdie graad word vanaf 2014 tot 2018 uitgefaseer. Die laaste inname van eerstejaarstudente was 2014. Geen nuwe studente word aanvaar in hierdie program nie. Hierdie program sluit einde 2018.


1.2    Baccalaureus in Sportwetenskappe:

(BSportWet) (01135051, 01135052)

Hierdie graad word vanaf 2014 tot 2018 uitgefaseer. Die laaste inname van eerstejaarstudente was 2014. Geen nuwe studente word aanvaar in hierdie program nie. Hierdie program sluit einde 2018.

Vir inligting oor grade in Biokinetika en Sportwetenskappe, kontak asseblief Prof Paola Wood op [email protected] of 012-420-6046.


1.3    Baccalaureus Artium (Sport en Vryetydstudies):

(BA SLS) (01130128, 01130129, 01130130, 01130132)

Hierdie graad, met sy gepaardgaande vier opsies, word vanaf 2017 tot 2021 uitgefaseer. Die laaste inname van eerstejaarstudente was 2017. Geen nuwe studente word in hierdie program aanvaar nie. Hierdie program sluit aan die einde van 2021.


2.    Nagraadse Honneursgrade:

2.1    Baccalaureus Artium Honneurs (Menslike Bewegingskunde) (Biokinetika):

(BAHons MBK (Biokinetika)) (01240522)

Hierdie graad word in 2017 vir die laaste keer aangebied en sluit aan die einde van 2017. Geen nuwe studente word toegelaat vir 2018 nie.


2.2    Baccalaureus Artium Honneurs (Menslike Bewegingskunde) (Sportwetenskappe):

(BAHons MBK (Sportwetenskappe)) (01240513)

Hierdie graad word in 2017 vir die laaste keer aangebied en sluit aan die einde van 2017. Geen nuwe studente word toegelaat vir 2018 nie..

Vir inligting oor grade in Biokinetika en Sportwetenskappe, kontak asseblief Prof Paola Wood op [email protected] of 012-420-6046.


2.3    Baccalaureus Artium Honneurs (Sport- en Vryetydstudies) (Sport- en Rekreasiebestuur):

(BAHons SLS (Sport en Rekreasiebestuur)) (01240515):

Hierdie graad word in 2018 aangebied.

Vir inligting oor hierdie graad in Sport- en Rekreasiebestuur, kontak asseblief Mej. Eloise Nel by [email protected].


3.      Nagraadse Meestersgrade:

(MA MBK (Menslike Bewegingskunde)) (01250122, 01250123, 01250124, 01250125)

Geen nuwe studente sal in 2018 aan die nagraadse meestersgrade in die Departement Sport- en Vryetydstudies toegelaat word nie weens 'n gebrek aan personeel met toepaslike kwalifikasies om navorsingstoesighouding te fasiliteer.

Vir meer inligting in hierdie verband, kontak Prof Ben Steyn by [email protected].


4.      Nagraadse Doktorsgrade:

(PhD SLS (Sport en Rekreasiebestuur)) (01264127, 01264121, 01264123, 01264124, 01264125)

Geen nuwe studente sal in 2018 toegelaat word tot die nagraadse doktorsgrade in die Departement Sport- en Vryetydstudies weens 'n gebrek aan personeel met toepaslike kwalifikasies om navorsingstoesighouding te fasiliteer nie.

Vir meer inligting in hierdie verband, kontak Prof Ben Steyn by [email protected].


Vriendelike groete,

Me. Eloise Nel

Waarnemende Departementshoof

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