
Since Inca is all about fun and games and we make it a point to include academics under fun, someone had to be responsible for “managing” the res’ academics… and voila: eleven brilliant Inca ladies were selected for this task… but before I get ahead of me, let me tell you more about the committee in itself…

Aim: that all Inca Ladies are given an optimal environment in res to excel in their academics.

Objectives: - attend to the girls’ needs by having tutors in res that can help them if they struggle with their academics;

-          having a study room in res open 24 hours, where the girls can have a hectic bonding session with their books;

-          starting study groups;

-          having a strong support system for the girls- a family away from home;

-          motivating the girls to keep up with their academics, after all “books are friends”;

-          “monitoring” the academic progress of the res in general;

-          Providing leadership experiences to the girls involved in achieving all of the above.

The girls started implemented some of the plans they had, and it’s been a success so far, after all, they are amazing and seem to work well as a group!

“Oh, boy, this is gonna be good, I can tell"





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