Short Courses

  • Basic Mathematics: This course addresses typical problems experienced by first-year students and provides basic pre-knowledge and applications for all study programmes at UP that include mathematics modules. After successful completion of this course, candidates should have improved knowledge of mathematics for success in all study programmes at UP. Fore more information, click here.
  • Introductory Calculus and Linear Algebra: This course offers participants the opportunity and training to acquire the basic principles and methods of calculus and linear algebra and their applications to simple, concrete real-life situations. The course is aimed at professionals who need a working knowledge of mathematics.
    Course content: Functions, limit and continuity, differentiation, applications of differentiation, antiderivative and integration, systems of linear equations, matrices, determinants, vector algebra and complex numbers.
    For more information see under "Courses".
  • Special Topics of High School Mathematics for Teachers: This course will equip participants with further methodological knowledge and skills for presenting the Grade 12 mathematics curriculum to matriculants. Participants are trained in using the techniques that they are expected to use in their classrooms. On completion of the course, the participating teacher should have a sufficient content knowledge base and understanding of the academic and methodology aspects of successfully teaching mathematics in Grade 11and 12.
    For more information see under "Courses".
  • Real Analysis for Business and Economics: Part I  This course offers participants the opportunity and training to acquire a working knowledge of the concrete and abstract notion of distance, proximity, continuity, completeness, convergence and compactness, as well as the skill to apply this knowledge to mathematical models in business and economics.
    Course content: The real line and the linear structure in higher dimensions, elementary topology and the topological aspects of convergence, completeness and compactness. Static models in economics and comparative statics, static optimisation. Applications to representing consumer preferences (utility function), to consumer theory, to equilibrium in a pure exchange economy.
    For more information see under "Courses".
  • Real Analysis for Business and Economics: Part II
    • Dynamical Systems with Applications to Economics: This course is aimed at professionals who need a working knowledge of dynamical systems and the ability to apply the mathematical theory to real life models.
      Brief description: Discrete and continuous dynamical systems in one and higher dimensions with applications to the analysis of models in economics.
    • Dynamical Optimisation with Applications to Economics: This course is aimed at professionals who need a working knowledge of dynamic optimisation and the ability to apply the mathematical theory to real-life models. The course gives an introduction to the theory of dynamic optimisation and its application to models in economics.

Contact person: Dr Charles Maepa at [email protected] or 012 - 420 4363


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