Partnerships and Collaboration

Project name:
Primary Oral Health Care Project (POHC) for  Primary Schools in Pretoria 

Project leader:  Dr TK Madiba (
[email protected]
Locality:            Pretoria, Gauteng

Purpose of project:         
Students render a community-based service according to the principles of Primary Oral Health Care (POHC). The mobile Oral Health Care Unit is being utilised in this project. Both Oral Hygiene and Dental students are involved with the purpose of exposing students to the oral health needs of the community.  This project also contains a community-based training component.


Project name:              
Transnet Phelophepa Health Care Train


Project leader:                Dr TK Madiba (
[email protected]
Other contact persons: Transnet Mobile Health Care, P O Box 72501, Parkview, 2122 
Locality:                           Rural communities in South Africa

Purpose of project:         
Students render a community-based service according to the principles of Primary Oral Health Care (POHC). Both Oral Hygiene and Dental students are made available to Transnet for a period of two weeks to provide a basic oral health care service to rural communities on the Transnet Phelophepa Health Care Train.


Project name:  
Educational and preventive service to HIV/AIDS patients

Project leader:  Dr T Mfolo (
[email protected]
Locality:            Tshwane District Hospital, HIV/AIDS Clinic, Gauteng

Purpose of project:      
Final year oral hygiene students who are part of Public Oral Health Elective visit the clinic once a week to provide oral health education and preventative service to HIV/AIDS outpatients at Tshwane District Hospital.


Project name:                
Clinical preventive service 

Project leader:               Mrs RC du Bruyn ([email protected]
Other contact persons: Dr C van Wyk 
Locality:                         Oral and Dental Hospital, University of Pretoria

Purpose of project: 
To improve the oral health of all patients visiting the clinic. The preventive service is rendered by Oral Hygiene students in the Oral and Dental Hospital to all patients who have a need for this service.


Project name:                
Preventive Clinics for Special Patients 

Project leader:               Dr C van Wyk ([email protected]
Other contact persons: Mrs RC du Bruyn 
Locality:                         Oral and Dental Hospital, University of Pretoria

Purpose of project:
To improve the oral health of all patients visiting the clinics. The preventive service is rendered by Oral Hygiene students in the Oral and Dental Hospital to all patients with facial cleft deformities and other specialised treatment who have a need for this service.


Project name:    
Educational and preventive service to pre-primary schools 

Project leader:   Mrs R C du Bruyn ([email protected]
Other contact persons:    Mrs CCP Kruger 
Locality:               Greater Pretoria

Purpose of project:    
To improve oral health and oral health knowledge and to establish preventive procedures at a young age. Oral Hygiene students visit pre-primary schools in Pretoria on a weekly basis where the message of preventive dentistry and oral health is conveyed by making use of puppets.


Project name:                
Primary Oral Health Care Project (POHC) for Daspoort clinic 

Project leader:               Ms NJ Sofala ([email protected]
Other contact persons: Dr TK Madiba
Locality:                         Daspoort Clinic, Gauteng

Purpose of project:         
The mobile Oral Health Care Unit is being utilised in this project. Final year Oral Hygiene students who are part of Public Oral health Elective visit the clinic once a week to provide preventative service.


Project name:               
Preventive service at the Steve Biko Hospital 

Project leader:              Mrs NJ Sofala ([email protected]
Other contact persons: Mrs R C du Bruyn 
Locality:                        Steve Biko Hospital

Purpose of project:         
To render an oral hygiene service to patients in the children’s oncology ward. Oral Hygiene students visit this ward twice weekly to improve oral health and to assist patients to maintain their oral health during their period of hospitalisation.


Project name:    
Educational and preventive services to mentally and physically disabled children

Project leader:              Mrs CCP Kruger ([email protected]
Other contact persons: Mrs RC du Bruyn 
Locality:                        Greater Pretoria

Purpose of project:         
To assist mentally and physically disabled children in maintaining their oral health. Oral Hygiene students train children to maintain their own oral health while at the same time it improves the confidence of students to work with these children.


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