Club Achievements

TuksDance students competed in five SADTA competitions. We won 28 medals. Two 1st Place, seven 2nd Place and five 3rd Place.

TuksDance competed at the annual national Ballroom and Latin Intervarsity. We won four 1st Place, two 2nd Place and two 3rd Place with a total of 11 medals. TuksDance exceeded all expectations by winning the Formation Section.
TuksDance students competed at eight SADTA competitions. We won 42 medals. Six 1st Place, twelve 2nd Place and twelve 3rd Place.
TuksDance competed at the annual national Ballroom and Latin Intervarsity. We won two 1st Place, one 2nd Place and two 3rd Place with a total of 8 medals. TuksDance won the Formation Section for the second consecutive time.
TuksDance competed in the televised Dans in jou Taal competition

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