
Accomplished and committed personnel inspired with passion and a positive attitude offers exceptional educational and research standards in management, leadership, communication skills, patient care as well as dental education.

The Department has nine fulltime staff members and part-time lecturing staff taking care of the academic offering of the Department as well as the patient care section of the Department.

Head of Department

Prof JG (George) White
BChD; BChD (Hons); MBA (Stell) Dip. Tertiary Education; PHD (Pret)

Head:  Clinical Unit and Patient Management

Prof TC (Corné) Postma

BChD; DHSM; MChD (Community Dentistry); PhD (Pret.) SAFRI and TAU fellow

Module Chair: Comprehensive Patient Management (CPM)

Dr SE (Sophy) van der Berg-Cloete

BChD (UWC); PDD; MBA (Stell); DHSM (Exec Leadership)

Dr IJ (Imade) Ayo-Yusuf

BDS (Benin); Dip.Odont.(Pret); PDD; MSc (Stell); PhD (Pret)

Dr L (Lorraine) Snyman

BChD (Pret); PDD (Stell); PDD; PGCHE (Pret); MBL (Unisa)

Dr KM (Kenny) Chokwe

BDT (Medunsa); BDS (Medunsa); MBA (Univ of Cumbria, UK)

Dr JH (Hannes) Heymans

BChD (Pret)

Dr DC (Cathy) Makobe

BDs (Medunsa); Diploma in Paedodontics (Pret)

Dr J (Jacqueline) Thompson

BChD (Pret) PGDip (Prac. Man)



Me N (Nobesuthu) Mgabe

Dipl OH (WITS)











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