Message from the HoD

Message from the acting head of department, Prof M-H Coetzee 

Welcome to the Drama Department! We hope that your search for an educational experience based on the values of social justice and a respect for our common humanity will be fulfilled with us. 

Drama is a way of looking at and engaging with the world, being in the world and positively impacting on the world. A means through which to generate knowledge and make meaning of ourselves in our historical, social and political contexts. As such, the department encourages critical inquiry, entrepreneurial endeavours, creative outputs, independent research and innovative thought in a climate of academic and artistic excellence through a ‘glocal’ lens (acknowledging local and global contexts). Having an active interface with the professional world, our drama training foregrounds the interface - and balance - between - theory and practice-driven subjects.

Besides offering discipline-specific skills training, the Department also encourages students to explore the transferability of drama skills and knowledge to interdisciplinary domains. This is evidenced in the projects we create in collaboration with multiple role-players from different scholarly domains. As part of the Arts Cluster (Drama, Music, Visual Arts and UP Arts), we encourage you to unlock creative synergies between the arts disciplines with regards to research, projects and creative work.

In joining the Department, you join a long list of alumni who excelled in various domains related to drama and the performing arts sector, including actors, directors, producers, teachers, facilitators, editors, radio and TV presenters, entrepreneurs, performing arts managers, activists, scriptwriters, choreographers, theatre-makers, NGO workers, researchers, lecturers, media liaison officers and events co-ordinators, to name but a few.

We trust that you will find your own creative signature through participating in our training in order to carve out a niche for yourself in the professional world. We look forward to challenge you creatively and academically in order to develop artist-scholars who can engage with academic and artistic enterprises in a socially committed way.

What else can the B(Dram) at UP offer me?

Employers of today look for the capacity to:

• think strategically, systemically, analytically, critically and creatively;

• communicate effectively;

• work as part of a collective;

• make appropriate decisions;

• plan, organise and prioritise work;

• solve problems creatively;

• obtain and process information;

• influence others;

• work effectively with a variety of people;

• be adaptable;

• lead projects;

• develop an entrepreneurial mind-set;

• develop a strong work ethic and

• manage time.

This is what the BDRAM offers you.


Baithuti ba rena ba maloba ga ba na le bokgoni fela ka lekaleng la bokgabo bja tiragatšo le bobegaditaba, eupša le ka go thuto, tirišo ya setšhaba le diNGO. Zenande Mfenyana, Mona Monyane, Donnalee Roberts, Erik Harm Holm, Elouise Cupido, Elma Postma, Desiree Gardner, Anina Peens, Nontando Ziqubu, Tarryn Louch, Pearl Monama, Nico Scheepers, Reynard Hugo, Olebogang Morolo, Anel Alexander Je-anie Swiegelaar, Wener Coetzer, Thapelo Aphiri, Anel Alexander, Andries Vrey, le Melt Sieberhagen gare ga borabokgabo ba bafsa ba bangwe ba bantši ba dirile kgetho ya tsebo go ithuta tiragatšo ka mo kgorong ye.

Molaetša go tšwa go moswarelahlogo wa kgoro, Prof M-H Coetzee 

O amogetšwe mo Kgorong ya Tiragatšo!  Re tshepa gore nyako ya gago ya boitemogelo bja thuto yeo e theilwego go mehola ya toka ya leago le tlhompho ya bomotho bja rena bjo bo tlwaelegilego bo tla phethagatšwa le rena.

Tiragatšo ke tsela ya go lebelela le go tšea karolo le lefase, o le ka lefaseng gape o huetša gabotse lefase. Mokgwa woo go tšweletšwago tsebo le itlhalošo mo tikologong ya histori, leago le polotiki. Ka gona, kgoro e hlohleletša dipotšišo tše di tseneletšego, mešomo ya kgwebo, ditšweletšo tša boithomelo, dinyakišišo tše di ikemelago le kgopolo ye mpsha mo klaemeteng ya thuto le bokgoni bja bokgabo ka lense ya “dikgopodišišo tša gae le tša ditšhabatšhaba” (go amogela ditikologo tša gae le tša ditšhabatšhaba). Go ba le mollwane ya go šoma le lefase la profešene, tlhahlo ya rena ya tiragatšo e nepiša mollwane – gomme ya lekanetša gare ga – dithutwana tše di nepišago teori le tirišo.

Ntle le go aba tlhahlo ya mabokgoni ao a itšego a go laola, Kgoro le yona e hlohleletša baithuti go utolla go fetišetšega ga mabokgoni a tiragatšo le tsebo go dikarolo tše di amago makala a mantši a tsebo. Se se kgonthišitšwe ka diprotšekeng tšeo re di dirago ka tirišano le bakgathatema ba bantši go tšwa dikarolong tša thuto tša go fapana. Bjalo ka karolo ya Sehlopha sa Bokgabo (Tiragatšo, Mmino, Bokgabo bja Pono le Bokgabo bja UP), re go hlohleletša go bula tirišano ya boithomelo gare ga dikarolo tša bokgabo malebana le dinyakišišo, diprotšeke le mošomo wa boithomelo

Ka go tsena ka Kgorong, o tsena ka lenaneong le le telele la baithuti ba maloba bao ba nago le bokgoni mo dikarolong tše dintši tšeo di amanago le lekala la tiragatšo le bokgabo bja tiragatšo, go akaretša badiragatši, balaodibagolo, batšweletši, barutiši, babeakanyi, barulaganyi, bagaši ba radio le thelebišene, borakgwebo, balaodi ba bokgabo bja tiragatšo, bahlohleletši, bangwadi ba dingwalwa, dikhoreokrafa, badiri ba ditheetha, bašomi ba diNGO, banyakišiši, bafahloši, bahlankedi ba dikgokgano tša bobegaditaba le bakgokaganyi ba ditiragalo, go bolela tše mmalwa.

Re tshepa gore o tla hwetša tshaeno ya gago ya boithomelo ka go kgatha tema mo tlhahlong ya rena gore o bope lefelo la gago mo lefaseng la profešene. Re lebeletše go go hlohla ka boithomelo le ka thuto gore o godiše baithuti ba bokgabo bao ba ka kgathago tema thutong le bokgabong bja kgwebo ka tsela ya go ikgafa ya leago.

Ke eng se sengwe seo B(Dram) mo UP e ka nkabela sona?

Bathwadi ba lehono ba lebelela bokgoni bja:

• go nagana ka peakanyo, ka mokgwa wo o itšego, ka tshekatsheko, ka go tsenelela le boithomelo;

• go kgokagana gabotse;

• go šoma bjalo ka karolo ya tirišano

• go dira diphetho tša maleba;

• go beakanya le go kgetha mošomo;

 • go rarolla mathata ka boithomelo;

• go hwetša le go sepetša tshedimošo;

• go huetša ba bangwe;

• go šoma gabotse le batho ba go fapana;

• go fetoga le mabaka;

• go eta pele diprotšeke;

• go godiša monagano wa kgwebo;

• go godiša boitshwaro bja go tia bja mošomo le

• go laola nako.

Se ke se BDRAM e go abelago sona.

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