
Click to view/contact our current Culture Executive Committee members:

- UP A Capella (Coenie Middel)

- Insync/Step It Up ( Tlotlo Tseole)

- Expression (Henlo Naude)

Dregeana's Culture is split into two sections or portfolios. We distinguish between External Culture which is performance-based and Internal culture that is socially based. Both of these sections combine to form a very strong part of the House's competitive edge. Feel free to follow the links where they are available to see what it looks like in real life! Some of the events hosted under the banner of Culture are:

1Nsync: Nergies, this is your time to shine. In this 5 minute show you dance and sing your heart out. There is a live band that performs amazing songs while you perform amazing feats of synchronized dance moves and belting out songs ranging from Linken park and Seether to Justin Bieber and Imagine Dragons! To make things a bit more interesting there is a panel of experienced judges keeping an eye on your spectacular performance!

Fill in this Google form to be part of our 2019 1Nsync group (first years only) 

Step it UP: Step it UP is the big brother of 1Nsync. Here all House members get the opportunity to show off their amazing talent (or the lack there of, seeing as talented is optional and not required).   Step it UP is slightly more structured than 1Nsync hence the moves are slightly more complex, the theme plays a larger role and the judges are more famous. This is also where we perform daring feats of acrobatics with people flying through the air and rolling among the crowd!
UP A Capella: Here we focus more on the singing, and talent is a pre-requisite. The focus here lies on the musical performance. The aim of the game is to keep your theme secret and blow the minds of the judges. UP A Capella is more structured and less chaotic than Step it UP or 1NSYNC and is marked a lot stricter. The criteria include harmonizing, own composition and the performance and incorporation of a prescribed song!

Watch our National championship winning performance (2014) HERE
Watch our 2018 UP A Capella finals performance by clicking HERE

Expression: Expression is the part of UP where the artists and poets are offered an opportunity to shine. This is a massive art exhibition where all forms of literature and fine art is exhibited and judged by very experienced judges. The evening is given an overall theme and each house is responsible for their own stall.

Concerts: Dregeana's Culture offers you two types of concerts. Firstly you get lunch hour concerts where the best and brightest of the Department of Music strut their stuff. This is a short show during lunchtime, and we add a bit of interest with a coffee date with a girl’s residence afterwards. The other form of concert is Krekvars. This is where the drama department hosts a week long epic show marathon. Seven days worth of shows from 9am to 10pm every day!

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