About Asterhof



Asterhof originated in 1926,and was then known as "Die Fant", officially making it the oldest ladies residence on campus.  In 1957 a second ladies residence was built and named Asterhof after the Aster-flowers.  A few years later "Die Fant" was incorporated as part of Asterhof and renamed "Vergeet-My-Nie" (VMN) as it is still known today. At a later stage, a second complex was built, today, this annexure is called "Forever Yours" (FY). Even though our Asters are housed in adjacent buildings, we have one heart and one sisterhood. 

The Aster Flower

The Aster flower belongs to the Asteraceae flower family, one of the largest flower families in southern Africa. The Asteraceae family is made up of many groups of flowers, ranging from sunflowers to asters, all of which are uniquely beautiful. The diversity of these flowers is a stunning reflection of what Asterhof represents and embraces the individuality of each lady who lives in our house as well as her unique beauty!

Our Motto

"Vivamus et Amamus" is our residence's motto, directly translated from Latin, it means "Let us live, let us love". Our motto is one that we say proudly as it reminds us that is is important to accept people for who they are and celebrate each persons' uniqueness. 

House colours

Our official house colours are navy blue and white. The colour blue represents confidence, sincerity and loyalty while white represents independence, balance and wholeness. These are characteristics which we believe every woman should strive for.

As Asters, we display these vibrant colours with pride every Monday which we refer to as "Blue Monday". On this day, first years, semis and seniors alike all wear an article of Asterhof clothing as to represent our Aster pride and unity as a residence. 


Here at Asterhof, we are fortunate enough to have two magnificent mascots that proudly tower over both our buildings. The first (and bigger) one is Giraster, who is a 5m tall giraffe in front of Vergeet-My-Nie, our second mascot, Thudwa ("baby giraffe" in TshiVenda), stands in front of Forever Yours. Giraffes are our absolute favourite at Asterhof as they are a reminder to be graceful and stand tall and proud!



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