About Us


LLITUP (Living Lab for Innovative Teaching at the University of Pretoria) is a research unit in the Department of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, Faculty of Education, University of Pretoria.  The Living Lab research paradigm focuses on collaborative and interdisciplinary research into solutions for challenges in the teaching community, in partnership with other stakeholders, such as different sections in the University (other Faculties, Department of Education Innovation, the Library, Department of Research and Innovation support, Enterprises at UP, Information Technology Services), the Departments of Education, Industry and private companies, the CSIR, the NRF, and other Universities.

Research opportunities within the LLITUP research unit manifests in or stems from projects, training, networking opportunities, communities of practice, as well as different support-opportunities for stakeholders.


The Collaboratorium (CoLab)

The Department of SMTE identified two venues in the Natural Sciences building on Groenkloof Campus, Groenkloof, Pretoria, where a variety of information and communication technologies can be made available to researchers and other stakeholders.  These technologies (including hardware as well as software) can be tested, reviewed, and piloted for usability and application possibilities in the educational environment (Basic Education, Higher Education, as well as the Training environment).

A smaller, dedicated and secure venue is available for smaller groups, as well as for storage of the technologies.  This space can be used for individuals or smaller groups to work with the different types of hardware and software.  A lager venue, a biology laboratory, where approximately 40 people can be accommodated, is also available on ad hoc basis.  This can be used for collaboration on a larger scale, training sessions, demonstrations, pilots and trails of technologies.

Both venues will eventually be equipped with WiFi, network points, and an adequate amount of plugs.  The venues are also on the same level as the staff room and adequate rest rooms are available.


Technology envisaged:

The following examples of technology are envisaged:  Interactive whiteboards, mobile devices (tablets and smart phones), a 3D printer, technology to support virtual reality and augmented reality, sound capturing equipment, and video/photo capturing equipment.  Software includes a variety of mobile applications, e-learning development suites, research software for data analysis etc.


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