About the SPMA

The SPMA’s formal academic offering includes an undergraduate degree programme in Public Management and International Relations. This is a bachelors degree that provides a solid foundation for postgraduate studies in Public Management and Administration. Postgraduate programmes include a BAdmin: Honours in Public Administration and Management degree, a Masters in Public Administration (MPA) coursework degree, a research Masters degree (MAdmin: Public Administration and Policy) as well as a PhD programme. The high esteem in which the SPMA’s programmes are held has contributed to establishing it as a leading school in public sector education.  

Domestic and global challenges demand that professionals be multidisciplinary in approach. The location of SPMA in the UP Faculty for Economics and Management Sciences exposes students to a multidisciplinary education, allowing for cross-fertilisation between fields and the holistic development of our graduates. However, over the past few years, the SPMA has transformed itself into an entity that does more than just provide students with a tertiary qualification. Its programmes extend beyond the confines of formal fulltime study programmes, and it is currently the frontrunner in the presentation of short courses by an academic institution. Through the campus enterprise, Enterprises at UP, the SPMA is able to share the knowledge and experience of its academic staff with thousands of employees in the public sector. These short courses cover a wide range of matters regarding public management and administration. 

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