
The University of Pretoria’s Squash Programme has been one of the strongest competitors in USSA Squash for many years.

Students wishing to pursue both an academic and sporting career have made the right choice by enrolling at the University of Pretoria. With the support of TuksSport and the hpc (high performance centre), TuksSquash has seen a move away from a culture of just social squash to participation in International squash.

The various programmes presented by TuksSquash are open to ANY interested player. The only requirement is to be a member of the Club. A mentoring programme gives top players the opportunity to give back to squash by playing with younger and newer players and this creates a welcoming atmosphere for all levels of play.

Tournaments catering for all ages and levels are regular features on the TuksSquash calendar. Non-competitive players are accommodated in the internal programme making TuksSquash a friendly squash environment.

Achievements 2016

Host National Training Camps & Host International Coaches 
USSA winners 7 years in a row
USSA 2016 Top women's team



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