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House Tirisano ​ previously called House Kiaat, is the ideal residence of choice for young men who are committed and dedicated to work hard but also who have a thirst to have the time of their lives. Tirisano has trained mentors to guide residents, especially First Years, through this exciting and challenging period of their lives, while making sure that they enjoy the comfort and warmth of an environment that will come to feel like home.

Tirisano is founded on the six values of: Respect, Accountability, Sacrifice, Participation, Dignity and Integrity. We strive to portray these values in all that we do in our everyday lives.

Our House motto as well as house name is Tirisano, which simply means “working together.” We are the largest male residence in the University of Pretoria so it is essential that we work together to ensure the smooth running of our residence, as well as that we may achieve our goals each year. We work together to build and support one another so as to become right-minded members of society.

Tirisano is the most diverse residence on the UP campus. At Tirisano we embrace diversity and put emphasis on inclusivity. We believe that no person has the same background, personality and dreams. In Tirisano everybody is somebody, everybody is treated equal and each & every resident is considered as being part of our extended family. The moment you step over our threshold, you are one of our 329 brothers.

Tirisano is very serious about maintaining a balance between academics and having a social life.  We have a significant number of social events that form part of the university's organised student life. Moreover, we have the privilege of being able to host various cultural activities at our residence to showcase the wide variety of cultural talents our residents possess through our two Cultural portfolios, namely Internal Culture & External Culture.

Lastly, we are privileged to have a large variety of sports to choose from. Our house is very competitive in all our sporting codes and we are the best soccer-playing residence in the history of the Tuks residence Football league. 




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