House Parents

Message from the Head of Residence: Prof Ernest van Eck

The Head of Residence will spend quite a bit of time with the first-years in the first two weeks of their stay at Kiaat to ensure that they are properly integrated into our community without being subjected to any humiliating “initiation” practices. Thereafter we will take a keen interest in your progress towards becoming a participating me

mber of the house. Special attention will be given to your studies, compliance to study times and the monitoring of your academic progress.

In Kiaat we are building a culture of mutual respect, integrity, accountability, fairness, commitment, excellence, pride and relevance. These values are non-negotiable. Since Kiaat has 329 residents, discipline is a priority. Bring with you your enthusiasm, your dedication, and your willingness to cooperate. Leave at home your worries, your fears and your prejudices.

We look forward to meeting you! 

- Author Samuel Mampa

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