Papers Presented

Title of Paper




UPICLC Conference

Pretoria, South Africa

Consumer Protection in the age of the Borderless Market and Globalisation

26 - 27 September

Helene Davidtsz

6th ENCLE Conference

Turin, Italy

Clinical Legal Education and Community Service - a clinic's changes through 18 years 20 - 21 September

Frans Haupt

Lourens Grove

Stellenbosch Law Clinic Conference


A Tale of Two Cities, Two Conferences, Two Clinics and the Ten Year Journey to achieve Law Reform regarding Garnishment of Wages in South Africa

19 - 20 July

Frans Haupt

The education versus access to justice debate in Law Clinics

19 - 20 July

Piet Breedt

Towards Financial Sustainability: The experience of Pretoria Law Clinic

19 - 20 July

Aniki Grobbelaar

South African Law Teachers Conference

Cape Town

The impracticalities and injustices of the bilingual courts in South Africa

11 - 13 July

Prosper Nkala

The role of the National Credit Act 34 of 2005 in achieving the socio-economic transformation of credit law in South Africa


11 - 13 July

Helene Davidstz

Institute for Law Teaching and Learning's Summer Conference

Spokane, Washington

Using technology to facilitate 360 degree assessment of practical skills in a clinical setting

18 - 20 June

Frik Grobler

Sandra Prinsloo


GAJE Conference

Puebla, Mexico

Towards Financial Sustainability: The experience of a South African University Law Clinic

18 December

Frans Haupt

Aniki Grobbelaar

IJCLE Conference

Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK

A tale of two cities, two conferences, two clinics and the 10 year journey to law reform

3 - 5 July

Frans Haupt

The Clinician – identity and impact

3 - 5 July

Lourens Grove

Frik Grobler

IACL Conference

Porto Allegre, Brazil

Garnishment of wages of over-indebted consumers in South Africa – the long road to law reform

15 - 19 July

Frans Haupt


International Legal Ethics Conference VII

New York

Regulation of the Legal Profession and Judiciary

14 - 16 July

Christo Fritz

The effectiveness of legal education in teaching ethics for legal practise in South Africa

14 - 16 July

Christina Mosalagae

Sandra Prinsloo


SLTSA Conference

Varsity College, Durban July

What is good for the Goose is good for the Gander: Institutional independence in the Spheres of Judicial Independence and Prosecutorial Independence

6 - 8 July

Christina Mosalagae

Is customary law a hindrance to women’s rights in democratic South Africa?

6 - 8 July

Simba Tavuyanago

Does awarding rights of permanent residence in terms of section 31 of the Immigration Act amount to a circumvention of the Attorneys Act?

6 - 8 July

Prosper Nkala

Some thought on payday loans

6 - 8 July

Helene Davidtsz

First National Conference on Paralegalism

Pretoria (presented by TUT)

Promoting the recognition of Paralegals

23 - 25 February

Frans Haupt

Charlotte van Sittert

Microlending Conference.

Human Rights Commissions’ Microlending Conference.


The incidence of and undesirable practises relating to ‘garnishee order’: A follow up report

11 March

Charlotte van Sittert


The 2nd annual International Mercantile Law Conference:

University of the Free State, Bloemfontein

Polygraph testing – The truth regarding employees’ rights

5-7 November

Christo Fritz

Conference of the Society of Law Teachers of Southern Africa (SLTSA):

University of the Witwaters-rand, Johannesburg

Should one give notice of intended legal action against an organ of state in a debt-related case?


Helene Davidtsz

Concurrent creditor’s liability to contribute: A vulture culture?


Elzemari Temperman

Some consumers are more equal than others: The enforcement of consumer rights in the South African context of economic diversity.


Trish Erasmus

12th Conference of the International Journal of Clinical Legal Education (IJCLE):

Palacky Univeristy, Olomouc, Czech Republic

Teaching students ethics and professionalism when and where it matters – using negotiation classes in a clinical setting to teach ethics beyond the ethics course


Frans Haupt

Lourens Grove


14th Conference of the International Association of Consumer Law:

University of Sydney, Australia

Diverse options and diversified regulation in the South African credit industry: Analysing the unintended obstacles to effective debt relief

(Paper 1)


Frans Haupt

Diverse options and diversified regulation in the South African credit industry: Analysing the unintended obstacles to effective debt relief

(Paper 2)


Jani van Wyk


Some consumers are more equal than others: The enforcement of consumer rights in the South African context of economic diversity.


Trish Erasmus

The incidence of and undesirable practises relating to garnishees


Charlotte van Sittert


University-Community Engagement Conference (UCEC):

Thammasat University, Thailand

The evolution of a South African university legal aid clinic- from volunteerism to institutionalised community engagement: Lessons learned along the way


Frans Haupt

Towards ‘Clinic for all’: The evolution of a South African university law clinic- from volunteerism to institutionalised community engagement


Frans Haupt


IJCLE Conference:

Northumbria University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Experience in developing a research and short courses department at the University of Pretoria Law Clinic: The potential bridge between providing clinical legal education, conforming to institutional policies and fostering working relationships with the profession and public


Jani van Wyk

Substituted service: Revisiting the old and exploring the new


Lourens Grove

The best interests of the child: Should a parent accused of sexually abusing a child be allowed supervised contact with the child while there is a pending criminal case against them?


Trish Erasmus

Judicial control of presidential pardons


Michael Shackleton

Execution of maintenance orders: Is the maintenance process failing the child on the street?


Soretha Venter

Law Teachers Conference:

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth

Fixing Humpty Dumpty: Past, present and future efforts to make the new National Credit Act work


Charlotte van Sittert

Paper v Practise: The scope and limit of s206 in providing a remedy for a non-party to an extended collective agreement


Jeannie-Mari Retief

Carnegie III Conference

Strategies to overcome poverty and inequality:

University of Cape Town

Strategies to maximise the effectiveness of compulsory pro bono legal work (and ancillary services) in South Africa – the potential impact of the Legal Practise Bill on poverty, inequality and access to justice


Soretha Venter

Trish Erasmus


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