
Programme: BSocSciHons Heritage, Museum and Preservation Studies

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Code Faculty
01243025 Faculty of Humanities
Credits Duration
Minimum duration of study: 1 year Total credits: 120
Prof KL Harris
[email protected]
+27 (0)124202665
Prof SE O'Connell
[email protected]
+27 (0)658261956

Admission requirements

A bachelor's degree with an average of at least 70% in the approved major, with at least one major in the following subjects: archaeology, anthropology, architecture, cultural/social history, visual arts, history of art, Library/Information Science, chemistry, zoology, entomology or any other applicable subject in the field of the human or natural sciences which may be judged suitable for the admission to the programme by the programme manager.

Other programme-specific information

Students must conduct at least six (6) weeks of documented and supervised collections-based research or work place learning within a museum setting by the end of the honours programme and demonstrate mastery over basic museological techniques.

Minimum credits: 120

Core modules

  • Module content:

    A research report on an approved museological topic.

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  • Module content:

    A study of theoretical and methodological aspects.

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  • Module content:

    This module provides an overview of basic elements of museums, their missions, history and their characteristics. It is organised around key activities of museums, viz history, structure, management, collections, display, interpretation, education and civil engagement. Students will be introduced to multidisciplinarity inherent in museum work, and will be exposed to various fields including history of art, curation, archaeology, anthropology and South African history. They will engage critically with existing material at museums and will pay attention to the relationship between these institutions and the publics they serve in an attempt to understand epistomologies and genealogies. In addition, they will gain an appreciation of the range of skills and knowledge required for succeeding in the museum practice.

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  • Module content:

    This module takes a varied approach in order to examine a set of critical issues in the field of heritage studies, as they are currently unfolding. In addition to understanding what it means to work in the heritage sector, students will look at currently breaking issues in heritage theory, policy and practice through an engagement with a series of public spaces and heritage sites, including sites of burial, consumption and the South African city. Students will be introduced to basic financial management, grant writing and heritage and environment legislation. We are interested in those points at which heritage forms a cutting edge in broader contestations around culture, identity and history. In addition, as a way of making sense of heritage management discourses, we examine some of the intellectual histories and genealogies of formulations of heritage in South Africa.

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  • Module content:

    This module will introduce students to the practices in museums including collecting, collections management, conservation and curation. In addition to mainstream museum collections, students will work with ‘ordinary’ and hidden archives found beyond the museum walls. This module is strongly focused on developing a familiarity and confidence when working with heritage objects including appropriate handling, housing and mounting for storage and exhibition; risk assessment and mitigation and general collections care theory and practice. In addition, students will be exposed to contemporary curatorial practices necessary for the practicalities of conceptualising and mounting of exhibitions and displays in a public space. They will as well be introduced to the growing field of digital curation.

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