Programme information
By virtue of a dissertation and examination.
Refer to General Regulations G.30 to G.40 and G. 50 to G.54.
Admission requirements
- A BArch Hons degree or an applicable degree in a relevant field (such as urban design, civil engineering, planning, construction, geography, visual arts, sociology, or any other field deemed acceptable by the departmental Postgraduate Committee; or a BArch or equivalent four-year degree at NQF level 8 (or NQF level 7 for qualifications obtained before 2009); or a three-year degree with design as major component at NQF level 7 (NQF level 6 for qualifications obtained before 2009) and successfully completed supplementary modules relevant to the study field at honours (700) level to the equivalent of 180 credits as prescribed by the departmental Postgraduate Committee.
- Only candidates with a minimum average of 60% in the highest year of study will be considered. The departmental Postgraduate Committee reserves the right to decide if the applicant is suitable for postgraduate studies based on the academic transcript and required application documentation. The Department only accepts candidates for whom it is able to provide supervision. The applicant must intend to do research in architecture or urbanism, must determine the research focus area and a potential supervisor and confirm the potential supervisor’s availability (see departmental website for research focus areas, potential supervisors, as well as required application documentation and procedures).
Examinations and pass requirements
After a minimum of one year of registration, the student is to submit a dissertation for examination and have an oral examination of the dissertation in the related field of study.
Awarding of the degree
The Master of Architecture degree is conferred on students obtaining a minimum of 50% for both the dissertation and oral examination.
Research information
General Regulation G.39.12 applies.
Pass with distinction
The Master of Architecture degree is conferred with distinction on students obtaining a minimum of 75% for both the dissertation and the oral examination.
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