Admission requirements
- Honours degree in a relevant information technology field
- Cumulative weighted average of at least 65% for the honours degree
Other programme-specific information
Students may register for two modules in another master’s programme with the permission of the Programme Coordinators of both degrees.
Renewal of registration
The Dean may, on the recommendation of the Postgraduate Committee, cancel the registration of a student during any academic year if his/her academic progress is not satisfactory.
The degree programme must be completed within four years after the first registration for the degree, provided that the Dean may, in exceptional cases, and on the recommendation of the relevant head of department, approve a fixed limited extension of the period of study.
Examinations and pass requirements
Upgrading from a master's to a doctoral degree
- This EBIT faculty regulation should be read in addition to G41.
- Upgrading from a master’s to a doctoral degree can only be considered for exceptional students.
- Application for upgrading can only be submitted after at least one year of study for the master's degree, but no later than two years.
- The application for the upgrading must include the following:
- A letter from the candidate requesting the upgrade which includes a brief motivation.
- A progress report prepared by the candidate and supported by the supervisor on the work completed to date for the master's degree. The report must provide proof that the results obtained thus far are of such standard and scientific importance that it justifies its converting to a doctoral degree.
- All details regarding presentations during conferences and accepted publication(s) in internationally accredited and high impact journals must be provided in full.
- A detailed explanation by the candidate of the intended doctoral project with an indication of the objectives of the project, methodology and the outcomes he or she intends to achieve with the project.
- A recommendation of the supervisor with specific comment on the ability of the applicant as potential doctoral candidate as well as on the expediency and feasibility of the upgrading.
- A report from at least one external referent. The supervisor should forward 2 nominations to the head of the relevant department for recommendation to the DD Research and Postgraduate studies who will appoint one referent.
- A minimum of one journal article, where the candidate is the first author, in a high-impact accredited journal with an explanation by the supervisor with respect to the specific contribution made by the candidate.
- A recommendation by the head of department.
The stipulations of the relevant Faculty regulations are applicable.
The Dean may, on recommendation of the relevant head of department, exempt a student from the examination on the dissertation.
The average mark awarded by all the examiners is the final mark, with the pass mark being at least 50%.
Research information
A dissertation must be submitted on a field of study as approved by the Department.
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