Exciting new publication on dogs in southern African literary works

A new collection of scholarly papers on the unique topic of dogs in southern African literatures was published by Van Schaik in December 2018. Ecocriticism is an emerging field in South African literary studies, and Dogs in southern African literatures contributes to the discipline by critically examining the representation of dogs in novels, short stories and poems. The volume is jointly edited by Dan Wylie (Rhodes University) and Joan-Mari Barendse (Stellenbosch University) and contains contributions by fifteen researchers.

The editors summarise the project as follows on the back cover of the book:

            “This is the first collection of studies on dogs in southern African literatures. The essays range             across many dogs’ roles: as guides and guards, as victims and threats. They appear in thrillers      and short stories. Their complex relations with colonialism and indigeneity are explored, in     novels and poetry, in English as well as Shona and Afrikaans. Comparative perspectives are   opened up in articles treating French and Russian parallels. This volume aims to start a serious    conversation about, and acknowledgement of, the important place dogs have in our society.”


Dogs in southern African literatures is the second publication in the Kwê Series, the special issue series of Tydskrif vir Letterkunde: a journal for African literature, which is housed in the Department of Afrikaans at the University of Pretoria.


The publication can be viewed here https://journals.assaf.org.za/index.php/tvl/issue/view/485 and purchased here: http://www.vanschaiknet.com/book/view/458.

Opwindende nuwe publikasie oor honde in Suider-Afrikaanse letterkundes

‘n Nuwe versameling akademiese opstelle oor die unieke onderwerp van honde in Suider-Afrikaanse letterkundes is in Desember 2018 deur Van Schaik Uitgewers gepubliseer. Ekokritiek is ’n ontluikende vakgebied in Suid-Afrika, en Dogs in southern African literatures dra daartoe by deur op kritiese wyse die representasie van honde in romans, kortverhale en gedigte te ondersoek. Die redakteurs van die versameling is Dan Wylie (Rhodes Universiteit) en Joan-Mari Barendse (Universiteit Stellenbosch). Vyftien navorsers het tot die boek bygedra.

Die redakteurs som die projek as volg op die agterplat van die boek op:

            “This is the first collection of studies on dogs in southern African literatures. The essays range             across many dogs’ roles: as guides and guards, as victims and threats. They appear in thrillers      and short stories. Their complex relations with colonialism and indigeneity are explored, in     novels and poetry, in English as well as Shona and Afrikaans. Comparative perspectives are   opened up in articles treating French and Russian parallels. This volume aims to start a serious    conversation about, and acknowledgement of, the important place dogs have in our society.”

Dogs in southern African literatures is die tweede publikasie in die Kwê-reeks, die spesiale uitgawe-reeks van Tydskrif vir Letterkunde: ’n tydskrif vir Afrikaletterkunde, wat by die Departement Afrikaans aan die Universiteit van Pretoria gebaseer is.

Die publikasie kan hier besigtig word https://journals.assaf.org.za/index.php/tvl/issue/view/485 en hier aangeskaf word: http://www.vanschaiknet.com/book/view/458




- Author Jacomien van Niekerk

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