The Centre for the Study of Resilience


South Africa is a veritable living laboratory to study resilience. Resilience presupposes (i) the presence of substantial challenges, (ii) Socio- Ecological Pathways/ processes of adapting to these adversities, and (iii) better than expected outcomes given highly challenged settings. The substantial challenges are more than evident in a highly unequal postcolonial South Africa in transformation. Innovative adaptations are visible as amidst many instances of responses that are negative, there are examples of positive outcomes despite cumulative and chronic risk. The CSR distils knowledge on resilience in nine UP Faculties and sixteen academic departments and/or centres. In a Global South space it is necessary to have evidence of positive outcomes in relation to inequality, social exclusion, diversity, postcolonial transformation and social justice.

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CSR Most Recent Publications

Bezuidenhout, C., Theron, L. C., & Fritz, E. (2018). Positive adjustment to first grade despite divorce: Lessons for school psychologists. School Psychology International, 39(5), 490-509. doi: 0.1177/0143034318791332

Ebersöhn, L., Loots, T., Malan-Van Rooyen, M., Mampane, R., Nthontho, M., Omidire, F., & Sefotho, M. (2018). An indigenous psychology perspective on psychosocial support in Southern Africa as collective, networking and pragmatic support. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 28, 332-347. DOI: 10.1002/casp.2371

Ebersöhn, L., & Malan-Van Rooyen, M. (2018). Making the most of culture and context: socio-cultural strengths and contextual vulnerability when eliciting indigenous resilience insights with remote South African elders and young people. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 17, 1-21. (Impact Factor: 1.387). DOI: 10.1177/1609406918798434

Govender, K., Bhana, A., McMurray, K., Kelly, J., Theron, L., Meyer-Weitz, A., & Tomlinson, M. (2018). A systematic review of the South African work on the well-being of young people (2000–2016). South African Journal of Psychology, pre-print doi:0081246318757932.

Hadfield, K., Ungar, M., Emond, A., Foster, K., Gatt, J. M., Mason-Jones, A., Reid, S., Theron, L., Wouldes, T. A., &  Wu, Q. (2018). Challenges of developing and conducting an international study of resilience in migrant adolescents. International Social Work, pre-print. doi: 10.1177/0020872818796147

Jordaan, D. du P.S., & Kirsten, J.F. (2018). Measuring the fragility of agribusiness value chains: a case study of the South African lamb chain.  International  Food and Agribusiness Management Review, pre-print DOI: 10.22434/IFAMR2017.0103.

Machimana, E.G., Sefotho, M. & Ebersöhn, L. (2018). What makes or breaks higher education community engagement in the South African rural school context: A multiple-partner perspective. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 13(2): 177–196. DOI: 10.1177/1746197917731353.

Omidire, F. Ebersohn, L., Leask, M., & Du Plessis, A. (2018). A South African case study of teaching English in two rural schools. Submitted to Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies (IBSS).

Pretorius, T., & Theron, L. C. (2018). “A pillar of strength”: Empowering women and the resilience of township-dwelling adolescents. Young, 27(4), 1-22. doi: 10.1177/1103308818795081

Theron, L. C. (2018). Championing the resilience of sub-Saharan adolescents: Pointers for psychologists. South African Journal of Psychology, pre-print, doi: 10.1177/0081246318801749

Truter, E., Theron, L. C., & Fouché, A. (2018). No strangers to adversity: Resilience-promoting practices among South African women child protection social workers. Qualitative Social Work, 17(5), 712-731.

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