Publications 2018

Accepted and Published Articles

Adegoke, C., & Steyn, M. G. (2017). A photo voice perspective on factors contributing to the resilience of HIV-positive Yoruba adolescent girls in Nigeria. Journal of Adolescence.

Adegoke, C.O. & Steyn, M.G. (2018). Yoruba culture and the resilience of HIV-positive adolescent girls in Nigeria. Culture, Health & Sexuality.Doi:1080/13691058.2017.1422806 

Bezuidenhout, C., Theron, L. C., & Fritz, E. (2018). Positive adjustment to first grade despite divorce: Lessons for school psychologists. School Psychology International, 39(5), 490-509. doi: 0.1177/0143034318791332

Bornman, J., Romski, M., Tonsing, K.M., Sevcik, R.A., White, R., Barton-Hulsey, A., & Morwane, R. (2018). Adapting and translating the Mullen Scales of Early Learning for the South African context.  South African Journal of Communication Disorders, 65(1), a571.

Combrinck, C. (2018). Socially responsive research-based design in the architecture studio. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 7(2): 211-234.

Ebersöhn, L., Loots, T., Malan-Van Rooyen, M., Mampane, R., Nthontho, M., Omidire, F., & Sefotho, M. (2018). An indigenous psychology perspective on psychosocial support in Southern Africa as collective, networking and pragmatic support. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 28, 332-347. DOI: 10.1002/casp.2371

Ebersöhn, L., & Malan-Van Rooyen, M. (2018). Making the most of culture and context: socio-cultural strengths and contextual vulnerability when eliciting indigenous resilience insights with remote South African elders and young people. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 17, 1-21. (Impact Factor: 1.387). DOI: 10.1177/1609406918798434

Govender, K., Bhana, A., McMurray, K., Kelly, J., Theron, L., Meyer-Weitz, A., ... & Tomlinson, M. (2018). A systematic review of the South African work on the well-being of young people (2000–2016). South African Journal of Psychology, pre-print doi:0081246318757932.

Hadfield, K., Ungar, M., Emond, A., Foster, K., Gatt, J. M., Mason-Jones, A., Reid, S., Theron, L., Wouldes, T. A., &  Wu, Q. (2018). Challenges of developing and conducting an international study of resilience in migrant adolescents. International Social Work, pre-print. doi: 10.1177/0020872818796147

Jefferis, T., & Theron, L. C. (2018, in press). Explanations of resilience in women and girls: How applicable to black South African girls. Women’s Studies International Forum.

Johnson, E. Boshoff, K., & Bornman, J. (2018). Scoping review on children’s pain vocabulary. Canadian Journal for Speech-Language and Audiology.

Jordaan, D. du P.S., & Kirsten, J.F. (2018).  Measuring the fragility of agribusiness value chains: a case study of the South African lamb chain. International  Food and Agribusiness Management Review, pre-print DOI: 10.22434/IFAMR2017.0103.

Machimana, E.G., Sefotho, M. & Ebersöhn, L. (2018). What makes or breaks higher education community engagement in the South African rural school context: A multiple-partner perspective. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 13(2): 177–196. DOI: 10.1177/1746197917731353.

Magumise, J., & Sefotho, M. M. (2018). Parent and teacher perceptions of inclusive education in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 1-17.

Maximus Monaheng Sefotho, Ronél Ferreira & Bernard Bongani Lushozi (2018). The quest for ongoing support by parents of learners who have intellectual disability: a qualitative multiple case study. Accepted by the Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities.

Mchale, M. R., Beck, S. M., Pickett, S., Bunn, D., Childers, D. L.., Cadenasso, M. L., Ebersöhn, L., Rivers Iii, L., Swemmer, L. & Twine, W. (2018). Democratization Of Ecosystem Services – A Radical Approach for Assessing Nature’s Benefits In The Face Of Urbanization. Ecosystem Health And Sustainability.

Mhongera-Berejena, P. & Lombard, A. 2017. Who is there for me? Evaluating stakeholders’ social support for adolescent girls from institutions in Zimbabwe. Practice Social Work in Action, 29 (1): 19-35. IBSS

Mpofu, N. & Nthontho, M. A. 2017. Connecting the dots: Exploring dispositional knowledge in teacher education. Gender and Behaviour, 15(4), 10290-10303

Naude, A., & Bornman, J. (2018) Statistiese evaluaring en voorspelling van woordherkenningtoetstellings van die fonetiese verteenwoordigende Eenlettergrepige woordlyste in Afrikaans (FVEWA) 58(1) Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe.

Nthontho, M. 2017. Is it possible to be accommodative of other religions as a school principal? The Journal of Religious Education, 65(1-3):35–50

Nthontho, M. 2017. Unleashing student participation through participatory decision-making: challenges and prospects. Africa Education Review, 1-17 DOI: 10.1080/18146627.2017.1279013 URL:

Nthontho, M. 2017. ‘Children as stakeholders in education: Does their voice matter?’ South African Journal of Childhood Education 7(1), 1-7 a434. URL: https://doi. org/10.4102/sajce.v7i1.434

Nthontho, M. 2018. Inquiry-based approach: Reconstructing the undergraduate teaching and learning space. Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning, 13(1), 28-33

Omidire, F. Ebersohn, L., Leask, M., & Du Plessis, A.  (Accepted) A South African case study of teaching English in two rural schools. Submitted to Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies (IBSS).

Pretorius, T., & Theron, L. C. (2018). “A pillar of strength”: Empowering women and the resilience of township-dwelling adolescents. Young, 27(4), 1-22. doi: 10.1177/1103308818795081

Ramaahlo, M., Tonsing, K.M., & Bornman, J. (2018) Inclusive education policy provision in South African research universities. Disability & Society (33) 3 349-373.

Romski, M., Bornman, J., Sevcik, R.A.,  Tonsing, K.M. R., Barton-Hulsey, A., & Morwane, R., & White, R. (2018).  Language assessment for children with a range of neurodevelopmental disorders across four languages in South Africa.  American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, Early online, 1-14

Theron, L. C. (2018). Championing the resilience of sub-Saharan adolescents: Pointers for psychologists. South African Journal of Psychology, pre-print, doi: 10.1177/0081246318801749

Truter, E., Theron, L. C., & Fouché, A. (2018). No strangers to adversity: Resilience-promoting practices among South African women child protection social workers. Qualitative Social Work, 17(5), 712-731.

Van Rensburg, A., Theron, L. C., & Rothmann, S. (2018). Adolescent perceptions of resilience-promoting resources: The South African Pathways to Resilience Study. South African Journal of Psychology, 48(1) 73–85. doi: 10.1177/0081246317700757



Ferreira, R. (Ed.) (2017). Thinking innovatively about psychological assessment in a context of diversity. Cape Town: Juta.

Sefotho, M.M. (2018). (Ed.). Philosophy in education and research: African perspectives. Pretoria: Van Schaik. ISBN: 9780627035005


Book Chapters

Aluko, R., Omidire, F., & Mampane, R. (2018). Quality assurance in distance education and ethical imperatives. In Sefotho, M.M. (Ed.). Philosophy in education and research: African perspectives. Pretoria: Van Schaik. ISBN: 9780627035005.

Angell, O-H & De Beer, S, 2018, Social cohesion and the role of religion: theoretical exploration of a concept (submitted as introductory chapter for a book to be published by the Nordic-South African research project on Youth on the Margins – under review).

Bornman, J. (in press). Communication, Disability and Human Rights: Exploring the role of the Sustainable Development Goals. In U. Lüdtke (ed.). Handbook of Communication Disabilities and Language Development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Springer (Invited chapter in international scholarly book).

Bornman, J. Gouws, H., Moolman, E., Robberts, A. & Tönsing, K.M. (in press). Using Augmentative and Alternative Communication Strategies in Schools in Namibia. In U. Lüdtke (ed.). Handbook of Communication Disabilities and Language Development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Springer (Invited chapter in international scholarly book).

Haffejee, S. & Theron, L. (2018). Contextual risk and resilience enablers: The case of Precious. In G. Rich & J. Sirikantraporn (Eds.), Human strengths and resilience: Developmental, cross-cultural and international perspectives (pp. 87-104). Lanham, MD: Lexington Book.

Mansfield, C.F., Ebersöhn, L., Beltman, S., & Loots, T. (2018). Great Southern Lands: Making Space for Teacher Resilience in South Africa and Australia. Chapter in Wosnitza, M., · Peixoto, F., Beltman, S., & Mansfield, C.F. (Editors) Resilience in Education Concepts, Contexts and Connection, pp53-71 Springer ISBN 978-3-319-76689-8 ISBN 978-3-319-76690-4 (eBook)

Nthontho, M. A. 2017. The voices of parents as partners in education in Lesotho: In Education in Lesotho: Prospects and challenges. Publisher, NOVA SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, INC. New York.

Omidire, Funke (2018). Language development and learning. In Eloff, I & Swart, E. (Eds). Understanding Educational Psychology. Pretoria: Juta Publishers.

Theron, L.C., & Mitchell, C. (2018). Drawing is only for kids, right? Wrong! In K. G. Tomaselli (Ed.), Making sense of research (pp. 231-238). Pretoria, SA: Van Schaik.


Conferences - Papers Presented



Event Details

Intervention research as social justice pathway between universities and schools in challenged settings

Ebersöhn, L

Education Association of South Africa (EASA) Conference, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 14 – 17 January 2018

Curriculum transformation: Who responsibility?

Nthontho, M.A

Education Association of South Africa (EASA) Conference, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 14 – 17 January 2018

Education pathways to inclusion of visually impaired learners

Sefotho, M.M

Ferreira, R

Thabe, M

Education Association of South Africa (EASA) Conference, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 14 – 17 January 2018

Benefits and barriers of higher education community engagement in the South African rural school context – non-researcher partners’ perspective

Machimana, E.G

Ebersöhn, L

Sefotho, M.M

Education Association of South Africa (EASA) Conference, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 14 – 17 January 2018

How schools can champion resilience in times of drought: Learning from Leandra Youth

Khaile, N.M

Theron, L.C

Mampane, M.R

Ebersöhn, L

Education Association of South Africa (EASA) Conference, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 14 – 17 January 2018

Participatory reflection and action and student teacher identity – solving the problem of too few Chiefs and too many Indians

Eberlein, E

Fraser, W

Beukes, L

Education Association of South Africa (EASA) Conference, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 14 – 17 January 2018

Self-regulated professionalism of novice academic in Higher Education: An Auto-ethnographic reflection

Du Toit, P.H

Smit, T

Education Association of South Africa (EASA) Conference, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 14 – 17 January 2018

Principals as instructional leaders in South Africa: a case study

Ogina, T.A

Education Association of South Africa (EASA) Conference, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 14 – 17 January 2018

Higher education-rural school partners’ expectations and power dynamics of a community engagement partnership

Machimana, E.G

Ebersöhn, L

Sefotho, M.M

Education Association of South Africa (EASA) Conference, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 14 – 17 January 2018

Raising awareness of cultural responsiveness among lecturers at historically white universities in South Africa

Steyn, M.G

Education Association of South Africa (EASA) Conference, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 14 – 17 January 2018

An indigenous framework for youth resilience in South Africa

Van Breda, A. D

Theron, L.

Paper presented at International Social Work Conference, Kigali, Rwanda, March 2018

Mobilisation of higher education’s resources for social development

Machimana, E

Ebersöhn, L

Sefotho, M.M

First Africa Positive Psychology Conference, North-West University, SA, 4 – 7 April 2018

Adolescent pathways of resilience.

Theron, L. C

Invited keynote presented at the 1st African Positive Psychology Conference, Potchefstroom, South Africa, April 2018

A resilience, health and well-being lens for education and inequality: what matters for education in schools with high risks and low resources?

Ebersöhn, L

Keynote Xth International Congress of Educational Research, Nevsehir University, 27-30 April 2018.

When those with more and less power collaborate: Complexities and caveats of participatory research in a resource-poor, rural South African context

Theron, L.C

Mampane, M.R

Ebersöhn, L

Hart, A

16th Qualitative Methods Conference, Banff, Canada. May 2018

Developing a co-produced policy briefing with young people on resilience to drought in South Africa

Hart, A

Khaile, N.M

Theron, L.C

Mampane, M.R

Ebersöhn, L

Duncan, S

Fourth World Congress on Resilience, Congrès Marseille, 27 - 30 June 2018

Understanding and enabling the resilience of rural young people to drought

Gwata, N

Hanekom, M

Vollebregt, G

Khaile, N.M

Theron, L.C

Mampane, M.R

Ebersöhn, L

Hart, A


Culturally relevant adaptation of qualitative methods when studying youth resilience in stressed environments.

Ungar, M. & Theron, L. C.

16th Qualitative Methods Conference, Banff, Canada.

Mobilisation of higher education’s resources for social development

Machimana, E

Ebersöhn, L

Sefotho, M.M

WERA 2018 World Congress, Cape Town, 3 – 5 August 2018.

Global citizenship and cognitive justice have a strong presence in the higher agenda: South African


Machimana, E

Ebersöhn, L

Sefotho, M.M

WERA 2018 World Congress, Cape Town, 3 – 5 August 2018

Primary and secondary violence prevention programmes for persons with communication disabilities

Bornman, J

International Society of AAC, 18th Biennial conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 23 July 2018

From silence to justice: facilitators for victims of crime with communication disabilities

Bornman, J

International Society of AAC, 18th Biennial conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 23 July 2018

Using Mobile Health Technology to Optimize Communication Outcomes for South African Children with Developmental Disorders “nna le wena”

Bornman, J

International Society of AAC, 18th Biennial conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 24 July 2018

Implementing a disability sensitivity training programme with police officers taking statements from persons with CCN

Bornman, J

International Society of AAC, 18th Biennial conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 26 July 2018

Workshop 1: STI strategies for educational systems in rural, remote and urban areas.

Ebersöhn, L. (Chair)

G-STIC Conference, Brussels 28-30 November 2018.

Utilising participatory reflection and action to facilitate rabies control in a rural South African community

Sonntag, Q

International Society for Anthrozoology Conference, Sydney, Australia, 2-5 July 2018.

Adolescent resilience to drought

Vollebregt, G., Hanekom, M., & Theron, L. C.

23rd South African Psychology Congress, Johannesburg, South Africa, 12-14 September 2018.

Learning from young adults about drought-related risk and resilience.

Gwata, N., & Theron, L. C.

23rd South African Psychology Congress, Johannesburg, South Africa, 12-14 September 2018.

Understanding resilience: A co-productive process

Khaile, M., Theron, L., Mampane, M., Ebersöhn, L., & Hart, A

23rd South African Psychology Congress, Johannesburg, South Africa, 12-14 September 2018.

What resilience-supporting resources matter more for high prosocial behaviour?

Van Rensburg, A., & Theron, L. C

23rd South African Psychology Congress, Johannesburg, South Africa, 12-14 September 2018.

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