Information for Current Students

Slideshow presentations

For an electronic copy of the current yearbook, click here:


Regulation changes

2019 Modules and prerequisites

Use this Word-document to see current modules and prerequisites and to do own curriculum planning:

2019 ChemEng Student Registration Worksheet (uploaded on 2019-01-08)

2019 Special requests for finalists

In special cases, special requests may be submitted. Please read the following - follow them to the letter.

  1. The “..request “ document below has to be downloaded, completed and renamed to start with your Surname & Initials & sent in MSWord-format to Prof de Vaal and cc'ed to Prof Labuschagne. In the left column of the table you include all the modules you will take, should your request be granted; in the right column, the modules you will take, should your request not be granted. The idea is to show your current record of completion of number of credits per semester and also to indicate how much time, if any, you are going to save.  The “..worksheet” in the heading above is there for your convenience, indicating current prerequisites for each module.
  2. All special requests have to be accompanied by a downloaded copy of your academic study record – also renamed to start vir your surname & initials.
  3. The ONLY special requests that will be considered are those where the candidate stands a chance of completing his/her studies in 2019.
  4. To this end, registration for NO MORE than 16 credits more than the maximum per semester, i.e. 72+16 = 88 will be allowed, provided that your study record indicates that you will be able to manage this.
  5. Given the above, registration for a subsequent module without compliance with the relevant prerequisite will ONLY be considered if the candidate had written the exam for the module(s) preventing registration for the subsequent module(s).
  6. Please DO NOT send additional e-mails – this WILL NOT speed up the process.
  7. Students requiring permission to register for second semester modules should first successfully complete all outstanding modues of the first semester, before submitting special requests for second semester modules.
  8. It is possible that this process may only be completed once lectures have started. If so, students should start attending lectures as if permission had been granted so as not to fall behind. This will however NOT mean that permission had been granted by default.

2019 Student Summary of Academic Record_request (uploaded on 2019-01-08) 


Undergraduate timetables can be found here.  For postgraduate information, click here

SWK122 is offered in semester 1 if you have passed WTW 158, you are eligible to register in the anti-semester. Contact the Department of Civil Engineering for timetable details.  

Practical Training CPY311/CPY411

Documentation regarding compulsory Practical Training available here

Safety documentation

All students and staff making use of departmental laboratories have to acquaint themselves with the Departmental Safety Book.

All students making use of Departmental laboratories have to read and sign the departmental Laboratory Rules. A copy of this signed document is to be kept on file. 

Guide to writing technical reports

The department expects all technical documents handed in for marks to conform to the guidelines in this document

These videos show how to format mathematical formulae according to the guidelines in MS Word


Using the library resources

A presentation by Mrs Sunette Steynberg to 2012 CSC411 students is available here

A presentation by Ms Lesego Makhafola to 2015 students is available here

IT information for students

Plagiarism document

The standard declaration form regarding plagiarism  English / Afrikaans 

ECSA Accreditation

ECSA (Engineering Council of South Africa) is the external body regulating, amongst other activities, of the Engineering profession and therefore also do the accreditation of the undergraduate programmes and curricula of the different Engineering disciplines in South Africa. On the dates below their team visited the Department to evaluate our programme. This is done on a 5-year basis.  The outcome of the visit on 28 & 29 August 2017 was successful and the programme has been accredited for a further period of five years. 

ECSA is a co-signatory of the Washington Accord, the co-signatories of which mutually recognise the respective undergraduate degree programmes.

Please download the following document, which focuses on the 11 Outcomes ECSA regards as very important. You will also find references to these outcomes in your study guides
ECSA Outcomes

- Author PL de Vaal

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