Teaching Programmes

Undergraduate studies

BVSc course:

Clinical Pathology (CLP 410)
This module is presented during the 1st semester of the 4th year of the BVSc programme. The theoretical aspects of haematology, serum chemistry, urinalysis and cytology are taught.

Module coordinator
: Prof A Goddard
                                     [email protected]
Applied Small Animal Clinical Studies (SAC 650)

This module is presented in the 7th and 8th semesters (4th year) of the old BVSc programme and involves practical tuition in the Onderstepoort Veterinary Academic Hospital under supervision, in the diagnosis, treatment and control of diseases of the dog and cat. It Includes tuition after hours and over weekends, public holidays and university recesses/vacations.
The section of Clinical Pathology is responsible for teaching all aspects of clinical pathology relevant to this module. It is presented as clinics of three days duration, covering both practical and theoretical aspects of haematology, serum chemistry, urinalysis and cytology. Case studies are evaluated.
Module coordinator: Prof A Goddard
                                     [email protected]

DVN course:
Laboratory Technique 120 (LTG 120)

This module is presented in the 2nd semester (Ist year) of the DVN programme. It entails the maintenance and handling of laboratory equipment, collecting and dispatching of samples, elementary haematology, preparation and examination of urine samples, as well as elementary clinical chemistry.
Module coordinator:  Dr E Scheepers
                                      [email protected]

Postgraduate studies

Clinical Pathology 701 (KPA 701)
Advanced study in clinical pathology including diagnostic indices and methods, enzymology, cytology, haematology and nephrology/urology.
Clinical Pathology 702 (KPA 702)
Advanced study in clinical pathology including diagnostic indices and methods, bloodgas and acid-base balance, gastro-enterology, haemostasis, and protein electrophoresis.
Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics 800 (KDK 800)
Advanced training in veterinary clinical laboratory diagnostics including theoretical as well as practical knowledge of clinical biochemistry, clinical endocrinology, haematology, cytology, capita selecta aspects of: diagnostic bacteriology; diagnostic virology; diagnostic immunology; diagnostic protozoology; diagnostic toxicology and diagnostic parasitology; quality control; applied biometry; electronics/optics of laboratory equipment, and computer use.
Post-graduate module coordinator: Prof A Goddard  
                                                                 [email protected]
For further information regarding course duration, course outline and availibility, contact:
Departmental administrators: Department Companion Animal Clinical Studies:
Me. Esther Visser ([email protected])
Undergraduate courses information, Faculty of Veterinary Science:
Me. Karen Ras ([email protected])
Postgraduate courses information, Faculty of Veterinary Science:
Me. Magda Human ([email protected])


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