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Adeola AM, Botai OJ, Rautenbach CJ deW, Adisa OM, Ncongwane K, Botai MC, Adebayoojo TC (2017). Climatic variables and malaria morbidity in Mutale local municipality, South Africa: A 19-Year data analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14 (1360), pp. 1-15.


Adeola AM, Olwoch JM, Botai OJ, Rautenbach CJ deW, Kalumba AM, Tsele PL, Adisa OM, Nsubuga FWN (2017). Landsat satellite derived environmental metric for mapping mosquitoes breeding habitats in the Nkomazi municipality, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa. South African Geographical Journal, 99 (1), pp. 14-28.


Archer E, Landman WA, Tadross M, Malherbe J, Weepener H, Maluleke P, Marumbwa F (2017). Understanding the evolution of the 2014–2016 summer rainfall seasons in southern Africa: Key lessons. Climate Risk Management, 16, pp. 22-28.


Arnold KA, le Roux A, Hattingh M (2017). Impact of Gautrain stations on property prices and sales activity in the City of Johannesburg between 2006 and 2015. South African Journal of Geomatics (formerly South African Journal of Surveying and Geo-Information), 6 (2), pp. 184-195.


Bean TA, Sumner PD, Boojhawon R, Tatayah V, Khadun A, Hedding DW, Rughooputh S, Nel W (2017). Bedrock-incised gully erosion phenomena on Round Island, Mauritius. CATENA, 151, pp. 107-117.


Bevis Y, Schaab G, Rautenbach V, Coetzee SM (2017). Expert opinions on using the third dimension to visualise wind speed uncertainty in wind farm planning. International Journal of Cartography, 3, pp. 61-75.


Birungi ZS, Chirwa EMN, Botai OJ (2017). Competitive adsorption in a ternary system of toxic metals and rare earth elements using Desmodesmus multivariabilis: Empirical and kinetic modelling. Journal of Applied Phycology, 29 (3), pp. 2899-2910.


Cadet J, Bencherif H, Portafaix T, Lamy K, Ncongwane K, Coetzee G, Wright CY (2017). Comparison of Ground-Based and Satellite-Derived Solar UV Index Levels at Six South African Sites. International Journal of Environment and Health, 14 (11), pp. 1-16.


Coetzee SM, Rautenbach V (2017). A design pattern approach to cartography with big geospatial data. Cartographic Journal, 54 (4), pp. 301-312.


Cohn E, Breetzke GD (2017). The Periodicity of violent and property crime in Tshwane, South Africa. International Criminal Justice Review, 27 (1), pp. 60-71.


Conway D, Dalin C, Landman WA, Osborn T (2017). Hydropower plans in eastern and southern Africa increase risk of concurrent climate-related electricity supply disruption. Nature Energy, 2, pp. 946-953.


Darkey D, Mushili BM (2017). Implications of climate variability on artisanal fishing in the Kafue Flats of Zambia. PONTE, 73 (6), pp. 67-97.


Dia L, Palombo C, van Gils H, Rossiter D, Tognetti R, Lou G (2017). Pinus mugo Krummholz dynamics during concomitant change in pastoralism and climate in the Central Apennines. Mountain Research and Development, 37 (1), pp. 75-86.


Diffey B, Norval M, Albers PN, Wright CY (2017). The influence of HIV infection on the age dependence of squamous cell carcinoma of the skin in South Africa. SAMJ South African Medical Journal, 107 (2), pp. 127-129.


Engelbrecht CJ, Landman WA, Graham R, McLean P (2017). Seasonal predictive skill of intraseasonal synoptic type variability over the Cape south coast of South Africa by making use of the Met Office Global Seasonal Forecast System 5. International Journal of Climatology, 37, pp. 1998-2012.


Gijben M, Dyson LL, Loots MT (2017). A statistical scheme to forecast the daily lightning threat over southern Africa using the Unified Model. Atmospheric Research, 194, pp. 78-88.


Goliger A, Retief J, Kruger AC (2017). Review of climatic input data for wind load design in accordance with SANS 10160-3. Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering, 59 (4), pp. 2-11.


Haussmann NS (2017). Soil movement by burrowing mammals: A review comparing excavation size and rate to body mass of excavators. Progress in Physical Geography, 41 (1), pp. 29-45.


Horowitz H, Garland R, Thatcher M, Landman WA, Dedekind Z, van der Merwe J, Engelbrecht F (2017). Evaluation of climate model aerosol seasonal and spatial variability over Africa using AERONET. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17 (22), pp. 13999-14023.


Isioye OA, Combrinck WL, Botai OJ (2017). Retrieval and analysis of precipitable water vapour based on GNSS, AIRS, and reanalysis models over Nigeria. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 38 (20), pp. 5710-5735.


Kalumba AM, Olwoch JM, van Aardt, Botai OJ, Rautenbach CJ dW (2017). Industrial development zone and South African environmental legal initiatives post-1994: a quest for sustainable industrial development. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 60 (3), pp. 462-481.


Kasimona(Milupi) ID, Somers MJ, Ferguson JWH (2017). Local ecological knowledge and community-based management of wildlife resources: A study of the Mumbwa and Lupande Game Management areas of Zambia. Southern African Journal of Environmental Education, 33, pp. 25-38.


Katumba KS, Coetzee SM (2017). Employing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques for improving the discovery of geospatial resources on the web. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6 (9), pp. 1-20.


Kleynhans W, Salmon B, Wessels KJ (2017). A novel framework for parameter selection of the autocorrelation change detection method using 250m MODIS time-series data in the Gauteng province of South Africa. South African Journal of Geomatics (formerly South African Journal of Surveying and Geo-Information), 6 (3), pp. 407-415.


Komen DK (2017). Could malaria control programmes be timed to coincide with onset of rainfall? EcoHealth, 14 (2), pp. 259-271.


Kruger AC, Nxumalo M (2017). Historical rainfall trends in South Africa: 1921-2015. Water SA, 43 (2), pp. 285-297.


Kruger AC, Retief J, Goliger A (2017). Development of an updated fundamental basic wind speed map for SANS 10160-3. Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering, 59 (4), pp. 12-25.


Kunda-Wamuwi CF, Babalola FD, Chirwa WP (2017). Investigating factors responsible for farmers' abandonment of Jatropha curcas L. as bioenergy crop under smallholder out-grower schemes in Chibombo District, Zambia. Energy Policy, 110, pp. 62-68.


Kunene Z, Albers PN, Lucas R, Banwell C, Mathee A, Wright CY (2017). My child did not like using sun protection': practices and perceptions of child sun protection among rural black African mothers. BMC Public Health, 17 (677), pp. 1-8.


Lekgeu MS, Davis NC (2017). Perceptions of Climate Change among Grade 11 Learners in the Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality, South Africa. Southern African Journal of Environmental Education, 33, pp. 52-70.


Liebenberg K, Smit A, Coetzee SM, Kijko A (2017). A GIS approach to seismic risk assessment with an application to mining-related seismicity in Johannesburg, South Africa. Acta Geophysica, 65, pp. 645-657.


Louw MA, le Roux PC, Meyer-Milne E, Haussmann NS (2017). Mammal burrowing in discrete landscape patches further increases soil and vegetation heterogeneity in an arid environment. Journal of Arid Environments, 141, pp. 68-75.


Luhunga PM, Chang’a L, Djolov G (2017). Assessment of the impacts of climate change on maize production in the Wami Ruvu basin of Tanzania. Journal of Water and Climate Change, 8 (1), pp. 142-164.


Luhunga PM, Djolov G (2017). Evaluation of the use of moist potential vorticity and moist potential vorticity vector in describing annual cycles of rainfall over different regions in Tanzania. Frontiers in Earth Sciences, 1, pp. 1-10.


Madonsela S, Cho M, Mathieu R, Mutanga O, Ramoelo A, Kaszta Z, van de Kerchove R, Wolff E (2017). Multi-phenology WorldView-2 imagery improves remote sensing of savannah tree species. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 58, pp. 65-73.


Mafanya M, Tsele PL, Botai OJ, Manyama P, Swart B, Monate T (2017). Evaluating pixel and object based image classification techniques for mapping plant invasions from UAV derived aerial imagery: Harrisia pomanensis as a case study. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 129, pp. 1-11.


Majozi N, Mannaerts C, Ramoelo A, Mathieu R, Mudau A, Verhoef W (2017). An intercomparison of Satellite-Based daily evapotranspiration estimates under different eco-climatic regions in South Africa. Remote Sensing, 9 (4), pp. 1-21.


Majozi N, Mannaerts C, Ramoelo A, Mathieu R, Nickless A, Verhoef W (2017). Analysing surface energy balance closure and partitioning over a semi-arid savanna FLUXNET site in Skukuza, Kruger National Park, South Africa. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21, pp. 3401-3415.


Mararakanye N, Sumner PD (2017). Gully erosion: A comparison of contributing factors in two catchments in South Africa. Geomorphology, 288, pp. 99-110.


Mashaba ZO, Chirima G, Botai OJ, Combrinck WL, Munghemezulu C, Dube E (2017). Forecasting winter wheat yields using MODIS NDVI data for the Central Free State region. South African Journal of Science, 113 (11), pp. 1-6.


Mograbi P, Asner G, Witkowski E, Erasmus B, Wessels KJ, Mathieu R, Vaughn N (2017). Humans and elephants as treefall drivers in African savannas. Ecography, 40, pp. 1274-1284.


Mubanga KH, Ferguson JWH (2017). Threats to food sufficiency among smallholder farmers in Choma, Zambia. Food Security, 9 (4), pp. 745-758.


Naicker N, Teare J, Balakrishna Y, Wright CY, Mathee A (2017). Indoor temperatures in low cost housing in Johannesburg, South Africa. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14 (1410), pp. 1-18.


Nsubuga F, Botai OJ, Olwoch JM, Rautenbach CJ dW, Kalumba AM, Tsele PL, Adeola AM, Mearns K (2017). Detecting changes in surface water area of Lake Kyoga sub-basin using remotely sensed imagery in a changing climate. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 127 (1-2), pp. 327-337.


Petersen F, Dabrowski J, Forbes PBC (2017). Identifying potential surface Water Sampling sites for emerging chemical pollutants in Gauteng Province, South Africa. Water SA, 43 (1), pp. 153-165.


Rautenbach V, Coetzee SM, Coltekin A (2017). Development and evaluation of a specialized task taxonomy for spatial planning – A map literacy experiment with topographic maps. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 127, pp. 16-26.


Recio M, Maloney R, Mathieu R, Virgos E, Moore A, Seddon P (2017). Optimizing control programmes by integrating data from fine-scale space use by introduced predators. Biological Invasions, 19 (1), pp. 209-221.


Sangeetha S, Sivakumar V, Josipovic M, Gebreslasie M, Wright CY (2017). SO2 seasonal variation and assessment of Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) measurements at Sharpeville (27.86°E; 26.68°S) a South African ground-based station. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 38 (23), pp. 6680-6696.


Schlegel R, Oliver E, Perkins-Kirkpatrick S, Kruger AC, Smit A (2017). Predominant atmospheric and oceanic patterns during coastal marine heatwaves. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4, pp. 1-15.


Singh J, Kruger AC (2017). Is the summer season losing potential for solar energy applications in South Africa?. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 28 (2), pp. 52-60.


Sinvula KM, Coetzee SM, Cooper AK, OwusuBanahene W, Nangola E, Rautenbach V, Hipondoka M (2017). A comparative analysis of stakeholder roles in the spatial data infrastructures of South Africa, Namibia and Ghana. International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research, 12, pp. 1-25.


van der Hoven C, Ubomba-Jaswa E, van der Merwe BJ, Loubser MJ, Abia A (2017). The impact of various land uses on the microbial and physicochemical quality of surface water bodies in developing countries: Prioritisation of water resources management areas. Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring and Management, 8, pp. 280-289.


Wright CY, Albers PN, Mathee A, Kunene Z, D'Este C, Swaminathan A, Lucas R (2017). Sun protection to improve vaccine effectiveness in children in a high ambient ultraviolet radiation and rural environment: An intervention study. BMC Public Health, 17 (37), pp. 1-8.


Wright CY, Albers PN, Reeder A, Mathee A (2017). Sunbeds and skin cancer risk: Quantifying a baseline estimate of sunbed facilities in South Africa prior to implementation of sunbed regulations. Pan African Medical Journal, 26 (188), pp. 1-11.


Wright CY, Dominick F, Kunene Z, Kapwata K, Street R (2017). Bibliometric trends of South African environmental health articles between 1998 and 2015: Making local research visible and retrievable. SAMJ South African Medical Journal, 107 (10), pp. 915-924.


Wright CY, Ramotsehoa M, du Plessis J, Wittlich M, Peters C (2017). Solar UV radiation-induced non-melanoma skin cancer as an occupational reportable disease: international experience to inform South Africa. Occupational Health Southern Africa, 23 (2), pp. 2-9.


Wright CY, Reddy T, Mathee A, Street R (2017). Sun exposure, sun-related symptoms, and sun protection practices in an African informal traditional medicines market. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14 (10), pp. 1-7.


Wright CY, Street R, Cele N, Kunene Z, Balakrishna Y, Albers PN, Mathee A (2017). Indoor temperatures in patient waiting rooms in eight rural primary health care centers in northern South Africa and the related potential risks to human health and wellbeing. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14, pp. 1-11.


York K, Dlova N, Wright CY, Khumalo N, Kellett P, Kassanjee R, Mosam A (2017). Primary cutaneous malignancies in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa: A retrospective histopathological review. SAMJ South African Medical Journal, 107 (1), pp. 83-88.

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Adeola AM, Botai OJ, Olwoch JM, Rautenbach CJ deW, Adisa OM, Taiwo O, Kalumba AM (2016). Environmental factors and population at risk of malaria in Nkomazi municipality, South Africa. Tropical Medicine & International Health, 21 (5), pp. 675-686.


Ayeni A, Cho A, Mathieu R, Adegoke J (2016). The local experts' perception of environmental change and its impacts on surface water in Southwestern Nigeria. Environmental Development, 17, pp. 33-47.


Berakie AF, Landman WA, DeWitt D, Olivier C (2016). Global dynamical forecasting system conditioned to robust initial and boundary forcings: Seasonal context. International Journal of Climatology, 36, pp. 4455-4474.


Bidassey-Manilal S, Wright CY, Engelbrecht J, Albers PN, Garland R, Matooane M (2016). Students’ perceived Heat-Health Symptoms increased with warmer classroom temperatures. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13 (566), pp. 1-20.


Blesic S, Stratimirovic D, Ajtic J, Wright CY, Allen M (2016). Novel approach to analysing large data sets of personal sun exposure measurements. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 26, pp. 613-620.


Breetzke GD (2016). Examining the spatial periodicity of crime in South Africa using Fourier analysis. South African Geographical Journal, 98 (2), pp. 275-288.


Breetzke GD, Hedding D (2016). The changing racial profile of academic staff at South African higher education institutions (HEIs), 2005–2013. Africa Education Review, 13 (2), pp. 147-164.


de Wit JMA, Bhebhe Z, Davidson J, Haggerty S, Hundt P, Jacob J, Lynn M, Marshall T, Skinner C, Smithson K, Stiefenhofer J, Robert M, Revitt A, Spaggiari R, Ward J (2016). Overview of diamond resources in Africa. Episodes, 39 (2), pp. 1-10.


du Rand GE, Booysen I, Atkinson D (2016). Culinary mapping and tourism development in South Africa's Karoo region. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure (AJHTL), 5 (4), pp. 1-23.


Engelbrecht CJ, Landman WA (2016). Interannual variability of seasonal rainfall over the Cape south coast of South Africa and synoptic type association. Climate Dynamics, 47 (1), pp. 295-313.


Gordon L, Elliott T, Wright CY, Deghaye N, Visser W (2016). Modelling the healthcare costs of skin cancer in South Africa. BMC Health Services Research, 16 (113), pp. 1-9.


Haussmann NS, Kalwij J, Bezuidenhout JS (2016). Some ecological side-effects of chemical and physical bush clearing in a southern African rangeland ecosystem. South African Journal of Botany, 102, pp. 234-239.


Hedding DW, Hansen CD, Nel W, Loubser MJ, le Roux JJ, Meiklejohn KI (2016). Rock mass loss on a nunatak in Western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research, 48 (1), pp. 1-8.


Henrico I, Combrinck WL, Eloff C (2016). Accuracy comparison of Pléiades satellite ortho-images using GPS device based GCPs against TerraSAR-X-based GCPs. South African Journal of Geomatics (formerly South African Journal of Surveying and Geo-Information), 5 (3), pp. 358-372.


Herbst L, Rautenbach CJ deW (2016). Climate change impacts on South African wind energy resources. Africa Insight, 45 (4), pp. 1-5.


Hlela SBP, Coetzee SM, Cooper A (2016). Evaluating a public sector organisation for SDI readiness – The case of a South African government department. South African Journal of Geomatics (formerly South African Journal of Surveying and Geo-Information), 5 (2), pp. 95-107.


Inkep R, Hall KJ (2016). Using morphospaces to understand tafoni development. Geomorphology, 261, pp. 193-199.


Isioye OA, Combrinck WL, Botai MC (2016). Modelling weighted mean temperature in the West African region: implications for GNSS meteorology. Meteorological Applications, 23, pp. 614-632.


Kaszta Z, van de Kerchove R, Ramoelo A, Cho A, Modonsela S, Mathieu R, Wolff E (2016). Seasonal separation of African savanna components using Worldview-2 imagery: A comparison of pixel-and object-based approaches and selected classification algorithms. Remote Sensing, 8 (8), pp. 1-19.


Main RS, Mathieu R, Kleynhans W, Wessels KJ, Naidoo L, Asner G (2016). Hyper-temporal C-band SAR for baseline woody structural assessments in deciduous savannas. Remote Sensing, 8, pp. 1-19.


Mashaba ZO, Chirima G, Botai OJ, Combrinck WL, Munghemezulu C (2016). Evaluating spectral indices for winter wheat health status monitoring in Bloemfontein using Lsat 8 data. South African Journal of Geomatics (formerly South African Journal of Surveying and Geo-Information), 5 (2), pp. 227-243.


Mashaba ZO, Combrinck WL, Botai OJ, Munghemezulu C, Botha R (2016). Design of a web-based GNSS data management system at HartRAO: Preliminary results. South African Journal of Geology, 119 (1), pp. 117-124.


Muchuru S, Botai OJ, Botai MC, Landman WA, Adeola AM (2016). Variability of rainfall over Lake Kariba catchment area in the Zambezi river basin, Zimbabwe. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 124 (1), pp. 325-338.


Muchuru S, Landman WA, DeWitt D (2016). Prediction of inflows into Lake Kariba using a combination of physical and empirical models. International Journal of Climatology, 36, pp. 2570-2581.


Mufwaya C, Muchuru S (2016). Spatial and temporal characteristics of rainfall in a data-scarce region: case of Kinshasa and Bas-Congo in Democratic Republic of Congo. Hydrological Sciences Journal-Journal des Sciences Hydrologiques, 61 (11), pp. 2024-2032.


Munghemezulu C, Combrinck WL, Botai OJ (2016). A review of the lunar laser ranging technique and contribution of timing systems. South African Journal of Science, 112 (3), pp. 1-9.


Munghemezulu C, Combrinck WL, Botai OJ, Botha R (2016). Design of the timing system for the new Lunar Laser Ranger proposed for the Matjiesfontein Space Geodetic Observatory in the Great Karoo, South Africa: preliminary results. South African Journal of Geology, 119 (1), pp. 91-98.


Munghemezulu C, Combrinck WL, Botai OJ, Mashaba ZO (2016). Mapping GPS multipath: a case study for the lunar laser ranger timing antenna at HartRAO. South African Journal of Geomatics (formerly South African Journal of Surveying and Geo-Information), 5 (2), pp. 142-155.


Munghemezulu C, Combrinck WL, Botai OJ, Quick J (2016). Analysis of the performance of hydrogen maser clocks at the Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory. South African Journal of Geomatics (formerly South African Journal of Surveying and Geo-Information), 5 (3), pp. 325-339.


Naidoo L, Mathieu R, Main RS, Wessels KJ, Asner G (2016). L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar imagery performs better than optical datasets at retrieving woody fractional cover in deciduous, dry savannahs. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 52, pp. 54-64.


Nel W, Hauptfleisch A, Sumner PD, Boojhawon R, Rughooputh S, Dhurmea K (2016). Intra-event characteristics of extreme erosive rainfall on Mauritius. Physical Geography, 37, pp. 264-275.


Norval M, Coussens A, Wilkinson R, Bornman L, Lucas R, Wright CY (2016). Vitamin D status and its consequences for health in South Africa. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13 (1019), pp. 1-22.


Ratnam J, Behera S, Doi T, Ratna S, Landman WA (2016). Improvements to the WRF seasonal hindcasts over South Africa by bias correcting the driving SINTEX-F2v CGCM fields. Journal of Climate, 29, pp. 2815-2829.


Rautenbach V, Coetzee SM, Jooste DF (2016). Results of an evaluation of augmented reality mobile development frameworks for addresses in augmented reality. Spatial Information Research, 24, pp. 211-223.


Robyn L, Norval M, Wright CY (2016). Solar ultraviolet radiation in Africa: a systematic review and critical evaluation of the health risks and use of photoprotection. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 15 (10), pp. 10-23.


Schmitz PMU (2016). The use of supply chains and supply chain management in the production of forensic maps using data from a fraud case. South African Journal of Geomatics (formerly South African Journal of Surveying and Geo-Information), 5 (2), pp. 156-174.


Shirvani A, Landman WA (2016). Seasonal precipitation forecast skill over Iran. International Journal of Climatology, 36, pp. 1887-1900.


Stander JH, Dyson LL, Engelbrecht C (2016). A snow forecasting decision tree for significant snowfall over the interior of South Africa. South African Journal of Science, 112 (9), pp. 1-10.


Tesfaye M, Botai MC, Sivakumar V, Tsidu G, Rautenbach CJ deW, Moja S (2016). Simulation of bulk aerosol direct radiative effects and its climatic feedbacks in South Africa using RegCM4. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 142, pp. 1-19.


Tsele PL, Combrinck WL, Botha R, Ngcobo BL (2016). A proposed mathematical model of thermal variations on the HartRAO lunar laser ranging telescope for enhanced test of earth-moon system dynamics. South African Journal of Geology, 119 (1), pp. 83-90.


Tsele PL, Combrinck WL, Botha R, Ngcobo BL (2016). Thermal analysis of the LLR optical telescope tube assembly based in Hartebeesthoek radio astronomy observatory. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica, 51, pp. 393-403.


Tsele PL, Combrinck WL, Ngcobo BL (2016). A spatiotemporal analysis of the effect of ambient temperatures on the thermal behaviour of the Lunar Laser Ranging optical telescope at Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory. South African Journal of Geomatics (formerly South African Journal of Surveying and Geo-Information), 5 (3), pp. 373-392.


Wessels KJ, van den Bergh F, Roy D, Salmon B, Steenkamp K, MacAlister B, Swanepoel D, Jewitt D (2016). Rapid land cover map updates using change detection and robust random forest classifiers. Remote Sensing, 8 (11), pp. 1-24.


Wright CY, Albers PN, Oosthuizen M, Naidoo M (2016). Geographical differences in primary school children's key sun-related behaviours. South African Geographical Journal, 98 (2), pp. 199-216.


Wright CY, Karsten A, Wilkes M, Singh A, du Plessis J, Albers PN, Karsten P (2016). Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy versus mexameter® MX18 measurements of melanin and erythema in an African population. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 92 (4), pp. 632-636.


Wright CY, Reeder A, Albers PN (2016). Knowledge and practice of sun protection in schools in South Africa where no national sun protection programme exists. Health Education Research, 31 (2), pp. 247-259.


Wright CY, Wilkes M, du Plessis J, Reeder A, Albers PN (2016). In multiple situational light settings, visual observation for skin colour assessment is comparable with colorimeter measurement. Skin Research and Technology, 22, pp. 305-310.

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Adeola AM, Botai OJ, Olwoch JM, Rautenbach CJ dW, Kalumba AM, Tsele PL, Adisa OM, Nsubuga FWN, Mmtoni P, Ssentongo AA (2015). Application of geographical information system and remote sensing in malaria research and control in South Africa: a review. South African Journal of Infectious Diseases, 1, pp. 1-8.


Adeyemi AA, Botai OJ, Ramoelo A, van der Merwe FJ, Tsele PL (2015). Effect of impervious surface area and vegetation changes on mean surface temperature over Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality, Gauteng, South Africa. South African Journal of Geomatics (formerly South African Journal of Surveying and Geo-Information), 4 (4), pp. 351-368.


Albers PN, Wright CY, Voyi KVV, Mathee A (2015). Household fuel use and child respiratory ill health in two towns in Mpumalanga, South Africa. SAMJ South African Medical Journal, 105 (7), pp. 573-577.


Berakie AF, Landman WA, DeWitt D (2015). On the comparison between seasonal predictive skill of global circulation models: Coupled versus uncoupled. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 120 (21), pp. 151-172.


Botai MC, Botai OJ, Muchuru S, Ngwana I (2015). Hydrometeorological research in South Africa: A Review. Water, 7, pp. 1580-1594.


Botai MC, Combrinck WL, Botai OJ (2015). Satellite laser ranging measurements in South Africa: Contributions to earth system sciences. South African Journal of Science, 111 (3), pp. 1-9.


Coetzee SM, Rautenbach V, du Plessis H (2015). A qualitative comparison of South Africa's geomatics professional body's academic model against industry's understanding of SDI knowledge and skills requirements. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 39 (1), pp. 4-17.


Coetzee SM, Smit J (2015). Development of an observatory for spatial planning in South Africa: A best practice review. South African Journal of Geomatics (formerly South African Journal of Surveying and Geo-Information), 4 (3), pp. 326-338.


Conway D, van Garderen E, Deryng D, Dorling S, Krueger T, Landman WA, Lankford B, Lebek K, Osborn T, Ringler C, Thurlow (2015). Climate and Southern Africa's water-energy-food nexus. Nature Climate Change, 5, pp. 837-846.


du Plessis I, Liebenberg K, Smit A, Coetzee SM, Kijko A (2015). Preliminary investigation into the cause of acid mine water induced seismicity in Johannesburg. South African Journal of Geomatics (formerly South African Journal of Surveying and Geo-Information), 4 (3), pp. 299-308.


Dyson LL (2015). A heavy rainfall sounding climatology over Gauteng, South Africa, using self-organising maps. Climate Dynamics, 45 (44), pp. 3051-3065.


Dyson LL, van Heerden J, Sumner PD (2015). A baseline climatology of sounding-derived parameters associated with heavy rainfall over Gauteng, South Africa. International Journal of Climatology, 35, pp. 114-127.


Engelbrecht CJ, Landman WA, Engelbrecht F, Malherbe J (2015). A synoptic decomposition of rainfall over the Cape south coast of South Africa. Climate Dynamics, 44, pp. 2589-2607.


Fasina FO, Mokoele JM, Spencer BT, Van Leengoed LAMG, Bevis Y, Booysen I (2015). Spatio-temporal patterns and movement analysis of pigs from smallholder farms and implications for African swine fever spread, Limpopo province, South Africa. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 82 (1), pp. 1-11.


Fisher J, Witkowski E, Erasmus B, Mograbi P, Asner G, van Aardt JAN, Wessels KJ, Mathieu R (2015). What lies beneath: detecting sub-canopy changes in savanna woodlands using a three-dimensional classification method. Applied Vegetation Science, 18 (3), pp. 528-540.


Garland R, Matooane M, Engelbrecht F, Bopape M, Landman WA, Naidoo M, van der Merwe J, Wright CY (2015). Regional projections of extreme apparent temperature days in Africa and the related potential risk to human health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12, pp. 12577-12604.


Hodza P, Schaab G, Coetzee SM, van der Merwe FJ, Vogt B (2015). Comparing proportional compositions of geospatial technology-related programs at three universities. South African Journal of Geomatics (formerly South African Journal of Surveying and Geo-Information), 4 (3), pp. 240-249.


Isioye OA, Combrinck WL, Botai OJ, Munghemezulu C (2015). The potential for observing African weather with GNSS Remote Sensing. Advances in Meteorology, 2015, pp. 1-16.


Katumba KS, Coetzee SM (2015). Enhancing the online discovery of geospatial data through taxonomy, folksonomy and semantic annotations. South African Journal of Geomatics (formerly South African Journal of Surveying and Geo-Information), 4 (3), pp. 339-350.


Kleynhans W, Salmon B, Wessels KJ, Olivier JW (2015). Rapid detection of new and expanding human settlements in the Limpopo province of South Africa using a spatio-temporal change detection method. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 40, pp. 74-80.


Komen DK, Olwoch JM, Rautenbach CJ deW, Botai OJ, Adebayo AO (2015). Long-run relative importance of temperature as the main driver to malaria transmission in Limpopo Province, South Africa: A simple econometric approach. EcoHealth, 12, pp. 131-143.


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Ramoelo A, Cho M, Mathieu R, Skidmore A (2015). Potential of Sentinel-2 spectral configuration to assess rangeland quality. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 9 (1), pp. 1-11.


Rautenbach V, Bevis Y, Coetzee SM, Combrinck C (2015). Evaluating procedural modelling for 3D models of informal settlements in urban design activities. South African Journal of Science, 111 (11/12), pp. 1-10.


Schmitz PMU, Eksteen SP, de Bruin S (2015). Towards a new way of measuring service delivery in Gauteng: Calculating a Fortunate Index. South African Journal of Geomatics (formerly South African Journal of Surveying and Geo-Information), 4 (3), pp. 317-325.


Slippers B, Vogel CH, Fioramonti L (2015). Global trends and opportunities for development of African research universities. South African Journal of Science, 111 (1), January: pp. 11-14.


Sweijd N, Wright CY, Westwood A, Rouault M, Landman WA, MacKenzie L, Nuttall J, Mahomed H, Cousins T, Winston A, Berhoozi F, Kalule B, Kruger P, Govender C, Minakawa N (2015). Climate change is catchy – but when will it really hurt?. SAMJ South African Medical Journal, 105 (12), pp. 1018-1023.


Tesfaye M, Tsidu G, Botai OJ, Sivakumar V, Rautenbach CJ deW (2015). Mineral dust aerosol distrbution, its direct and semi-direct effects over South Africa on regional climate model simulation. Journal of Arid Environments, 114, pp. 22-40.


Urbazaev M, Thiel C, Mathieu R, Naidoo L, Levick S, Smit I, Asner G, Schmullius C (2015). Assessment of the mapping of fractional woody cover in southern African savannas using multi-temporal and polarimetric ALOS PALSAR L-band images. Remote Sensing of Environment, 166, pp. 138-153.


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Atkinson JT, Ismail R, Robertson MP (2014). Mapping bugweed (Solanum mauritianum) infestations in Pinus patula plantations using hyperspectral imagery and support vector machines. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 7 (1), pp. 17-28.


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Bopape MM, Engelbrecht F, Randall D, Landman WA (2014). Advances towards the development of a cloud-resolving model in South Africa. South African Journal of Science, 110 (9), pp. 1-12.


Bopape MM, Engelbrecht F, Randall D, Landman WA (2014). Simulations of an isolated two-dimensional thunderstorm: Sensitivity to cloud droplet size and the presence of graupel. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 50, pp. 139-151.


Botai MC, Combrinck WL, Botai OJ (2014). Investigating the effect of tide parameterization and gravity field models on SLR solutions. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica, 49 (4), pp. 503-515.


Coetzee SM, Eksteen SP, Roos A (2014). Results from a survey of the South African GISc community show who they are and what they do. South African Journal of Geomatics (formerly South African Journal of Surveying and Geo-Information), 3 (2), pp. 224-245.


Coetzee SM, Tjia DE (2014). A new model for the City of Johannesburg information-PART 2. IMIESA, 39 (4), pp. 67-71.


Darkey D, Alexander PJ (2014). Trophy hunting: The Tuli Safari Circle in Zimbabwe. Journal of Human Ecology, 45 (3), pp. 257-268.


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Kgakatsi I, Rautenbach CJ dW (2014). The contribution of seasonal climate forecasts to the management of agricultural disaster-risk in South Africa. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 8, pp. 100-113.


Landman WA (2014). How the International Research Institute for Climate and Society has contributed towards seasonal climate forecast modelling and operations in South Africa. Earth Perspectives, 1, pp. 1-13.


Landman WA, Berakie AF, DeWitt D, Lotter D (2014). SST prediction methodologies and verification considerations for dynamic mid-summer rainfall forecasts for South Africa. Water SA, 40 (4), pp. 615-622.


Lawhon ME, Ernstson H, Silver J (2014). Provincializing urban political ecology: Towards a situated UPE through African urbanism. Antipode, 46 (2), pp. 497-516.


Lazenby M, Landman WA, Garland R, DeWitt D (2014). Seasonal temperature prediction skill over Southern Africa and human health. Meteorological Applications, 21, pp. 963-974.


Malherbe J, Engelbrecht F, Landman WA (2014). Response of the Southern Annular Mode to tidal forcing and bidecadal rainfall cycle over subtropical southern Africa. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 119, pp. 2032-2049.


Malherbe J, Landman WA, Engelbrecht F (2014). The bi-decadal rainfall cycle, Southern Annular Mode and tropical cyclones over the Limpopo River Basin, southern Africa. Climate Dynamics, 42, pp. 3121-3138.


Malherbe J, Landman WA, Olivier C, Sakuma H, Luo J (2014). Seasonal forecast of the SINTEX-F coupled model applied to maize yield and streamflow estimates over north-eastern South Africa. Meteorological Applications, 21, pp. 733-742.


Mathole K, Ndarana T, Berakie AF, Landman WA (2014). Impact of lower stratospheric ozone on seasonal prediction systems. South African Journal of Science, 110 (3/4), pp. 1-8.


Mayer D, Bohm J, Combrinck WL, Botai OJ, Bohm S (2014). Importance of the Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory for the VLBI network. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica, 49 (2), pp. 313-325.


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Muchuru S, Landman WA, DeWitt D, Lotter D (2014). Seasonal rainfall predictability over the Lake Kariba catchment area. Water SA, 40 (3), pp. 461-470.


Munghemezulu C, Combrinck L, Mayer D, Botai MC (2014). Comparison of site velocities derived from collocated GPS, VLBI and SLR techniques at the Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory (Comparison of site velocities). Journal of Geodetic Science, 4, pp. 1-7.


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Nsubuga FWN, Olwoch JM, Rautenbach CJ deW (2014). Variability properties of daily and monthly observed near-surface temperatures in Uganda:  1960-2008. International Journal of Climatology, 34, pp. 303-314.


Nsubuga FWN, Olwoch JM, Rautenbach CJ deW, Botai OJ (2014). Analysis of mid-twentieth century rainfall trends and variability over southwestern Uganda. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 115, pp. 1-19.


Piketh S, Vogel CH, Dunsmore S, Culwick C, Engelbrecht F, Akoon I (2014). Climate change and urban development in southern Africa: The case of Ekurhuleni Municipality (EMM) in South Africa. Water SA, 40 (4), pp. 749-758.


Poolman E, Rautenbach CJ deW, Vogel CH (2014). Application of probabilistic precipitation forecast from a deterministic model towards the lead-time of flash flood forecasts in South Africa. Water SA, 40 (4), pp. 729-738.


Ramoelo A, Majozi N, Mathieu R, Jovanovic N, Nickless A, Dzikiti S (2014). Validation of global evapotranspiration product (MOD16) using flux tower data in the African savanna, South Africa. Remote Sensing, 6 (8), pp. 7406-7423.


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Rashki A, Kaskaoutis D, Eriksson PG, Rautenbach CJ deW, Flamant C, Vishkaee F (2014). Spatio-temporal variability of dust aerosols over the Sistan region of Iran based on satellite observations. Natural Hazards, 71 (1), pp. 1-22.


Ratna S, Ratnam J, Behera S, Rautenbach CJ deW, Ndarana T, Takahashi K, Yamagata T (2014). Performance assessment of three convective parameterization schemes in WRF for downscaling summer rainfall over South Africa. Climate Dynamics, 42, pp. 2931-2953.


Sumner PD (2014). Comment on "Lightning as a geomorphic agent on mountain summits: Evidence from Southern Africa" by Knight and Grab (2014). Geomorphology, 211, pp. 134-136.


Tesfaye M, Botai OJ, Sivakumar V, Tsidu G (2014). Simulation of biomass burning aerosols mass distributions and their direct and semi-direct effects over South Africa using a regional climate model. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 125 (177), pp. 177-195.


Tsele PL, Wessels KJ, Botai OJ, Archibald S, Swanepoel D, Steenkamp K, Frost P (2014). Validation of the two standard MODIS satellite burned-area products and an empirically-derived merged product in South Africa. Remote Sensing, 6, pp. 1275-1293.


Wade RP, Eriksson PG, Rautenbach CJ deW, Duncan GA (2014). Southern African cosmogenic geomythology ("following a star") of the Zion Christian Church. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa, 69, pp. 81-89.


Wright CY, Garland R, Norval M, Vogel CH (2014). Human health impacts in a changing South African climate. SAMJ South African Medical Journal, 104 (8), pp. 579-582.


Yuan C, Tozuka T, Landman WA, Yamagata T (2014). Dynamical seasonal prediction of Southern Africa summer precipitation. Climate Dynamics, 42, pp. 3357-3374.

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Botai OJ, Combrinck WL, Rautenbach CJ dW (2013). On the global geodetic observing system Afrika's preparedness and challenges. Acta Astronautica, 83, pp. 119-124.


Breytenbach A, Eloff C, Pretorius E (2013). Comparing three spaceborne optical sensors via fine scale pixel-based urban land cover classification products. South African Journal of Geomatics (formerly South African Journal of Surveying and Geo-Information), 2 (4), pp. 309-324.


Coetzee SM, Eksteen SP, Grundling CA (2013). Sustainable development the contribution from GISc Education in South Africa. South African Journal of Geomatics (formerly South African Journal of Surveying and Geo-Information), 2 (3), pp. 246-259.


Cooper A, Moellering H, Hjelmager J, Rapant P, Delgado T, Laurent D, Coetzee SM, Danko D, Duren U, Iwaniak A, Brodeur J, Abad P, Huet M, Rajabifard A (2013). A spatial data infrastracture model from the computational viewpoint. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 27 (6), pp. 1133-1151.


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Haussmann NS, Mcintyre T, Bumby AJ, Loubser MJ (2013). Referencing practices in Physical Geography: How well do we cite what we write?. Progress in Physical Geography, 37 (4), pp. 543-549.


Haussmann NS, Rudolph EM, Kalwij J, Mcintyre T (2013). Fur seal populations facilitate establishment of exotic vascular plants. Biological Conservation, 162, pp. 33-40.


Hedding DW, Sumner PD (2013). Diagnostic criteria for pronival ramparts site morphological and sedimentological characteristics. Geografiska Annaler Series A-Physical Geography, 95, pp. 315-322.


Kalumba AM, Olwoch JM, van Aardt, Botai OJ, Tsele PL, Nsubuga FWN, Adeola AM (2013). Trend analysis of climate variability over the West Bank-East London area South Africa (1975-2011). Journal of Geography and Geology, 5 (4), pp. 131-147.


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Loubser MJ (2013). Weathering of basalt and sandstone by wetting and drying-A process isolation study. Geografiska Annaler Series A-Physical Geography, 95, pp. 295-304.


Malherbe J, Engelbrecht F, Landman WA (2013). Projected changes in tropical cyclone climatology and landfall in the Southwest Indian Ocean region under enhanced anthropogenic forcing. Climate Dynamics, 40 (11/12), pp. 2867-2886.


Mathieu R, Naidoo L, Cho M, Leblon B, Main RS, Wessels KJ, Asner G, Buckley J, van Aardt JAN, Erasmus B, Smit I (2013). Toward structural assessment of semi-arid African savannahs and woodlands: The potential of multitemporal polarimetric Radarsat-2 fine beam images. Remote Sensing of Environment, 138, pp. 215-231.


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Nsubuga FWN, Botai OJ, Olwoch JM, Rautenbach CJ dW, Bevis Y, Adedeji A (2013). The nature of rainfall in the main drainage sub-basins of Uganda. Hydrological Sciences Journal-Journal des Sciences Hydrologiques, 59 (2), pp. 278-299.


Rashki A, Eriksson PG, Rautenbach CJ dW, Kaskaoutis D, Grote W, Strydom JE (2013). Assessment of chemical and mineralogical characteristics of airborne dust in the Sistan region, Iran. Chemosphere, 90, pp. 227-236.


Rashki A, Rautenbach CJ dW, Eriksson PG, Kaskaoutis D, Gupta P (2013). Temporal changes of particulate concentration in the ambient air over the city of Zahedan, Iran. Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health, 6, pp. 123-135.


Ratnam J, Behera S, Ratna S, Rautenbach CJ dW, Lennard C, Luo J, Masumoto Y, Takahashi K, Yamagata T (2013). Dynamical Downscaling of Austral Summer Climate Forecasts over Southern Africa Using a Regional Coupled Model. Journal of Climate, 26 (16), pp. 6015-6032.


Rautenbach V, Coetzee SM, Iwaniak A (2013). Orchestrating OGC web services to produce thematic maps in a spatial information infrastructure. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 37 (2013), pp. 107-120.


Schmitz PMU, Eloff C, Talmakkies R, Linnen C, Lourens R (2013). Forensic mapping in South Africa four examples. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 40 (3), pp. 238-247.


Shabalala N, Combrinck WL, McCrindle R (2013). Effect of farming activities on seasonal variation of water quality of Bonsma dam Kwa Zulu Natal. South African Journal of Science, 109 (7/8), pp. 1-7.


Tesfay MB, Botai OJ, Sivakumar D, Tsidu G (2013). Evaluation of regional climatic model simulated aerosol optical properties over South Africa ground-based and satellite observations. ISRN Atmospheric Sciences, 2013 (23748), pp. 1-17.


Tjia DE, Coetzee SM (2013). Application of the land administration domain model to the City of Johannesburg land information system. South African Journal of Geomatics (formerly South African Journal of Surveying and Geo-Information), 2 (3), pp. 260-279.


van Schalkwyk L, Dyson LL (2013). Climatological characteristics of fog at Cape Town international airport. Weather and Forecasting, June (2013), pp. 631-646.


Wessels KJ, Colgan M, Erasmus B, Asner G, Twine W, Mathieu R, van Aardt JAN, Fisher J, Smit I (2013). Unsustainable fuelwood extraction from South African savannas. Environmental Research Letters, 8 (1), pp. 1-10.

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Botai CM, Combrinck L (2012). Global geopotential models from Satellite Laser Ranging data with geophysical applications: A review. South African Journal of Science, 8(3/4). DOI: 10.4102/sajs.v108i3/4.662


Coetzee, SM (2012). Reference model for a data grid approach to address data in a dynamic SDI. Geoinformatica, 16 (1), pp. 111-129. DOI: 10.1007/s10707-011-0129-4.


Coetzee, SM, Eksteen, S (2012). Tertiary education institutions in Africa: Cloudy with a chance of GISc education in some countries. South African Journal of Geomatics, 1(2), pp. 119-132.


Ludwig, B, Coetzee, SM (2012). Implications of security mechanisms and service level agreements (SLAs) of platform-as-a-service (PaaS) clouds for geoprocessing services. Applied Geomatics, 298, pp. 1-10. DOI : 10.1007/s12518-012-0083-3.


Sebake, MD,  Coetzee, SM (2012). Results of three case studies for assessing motivators and barriers of address data sharing in South Africa. South African Journal of Geomatics, 1(1), pp. 32-43.


van Niekerk AF, Combrinck L (2012). The use of civilian-type GPS receivers by the military and their vulnerability to jamming. South African Journal of Science, 108 (5/6), pp. 1-4. DOI: 10.4102/sajs.v108i5/6.749

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Breetzke GD, Eksteen S, Pretorius E: Paper-Based GIS (2011). A Practical Answer to the Implementation of GIS Education into Resource-Poor Schools in South Africa. Journal of Geography, 110 (4), pp. 148-157.


Botai OJ, Combrinck WL, Sivakumar V (2011). Inferences of a-stable distribution of the underlying noise components in geodetic data. South African Journal of Geology, 114 (3/4), pp. 541-548.


Botai MC, Combrinck WL: Investigating the accuracy of gravity field models using satellite laser ranging data. South African Journal of Geology, 114 (3/4), pp. 535-540.


Combrinck WL (2011). Testing the general relativity theory through the estimation of PPN parameters Beta and Gamma using satellite laser ranging data. South African Journal of Geology, 114 (3/4), pp. 549-560.


Coetzee SM (2011). Results from a normative dependency analysis of geographic information standards. Computer Standards and Interfaces, 33, pp. 1-9.


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Eksteen S, Breetzke GD (2011). Predicting the abundance of African horse sickness vectors in South Africa using GIS and artificial neural networks. South African Journal of Science, 107 (7/8), pp. 1-8.


Engelbrecht FA, Landman WA, Engelbrecht CJ, Landman S, Bopape MM, Roux B, McGregor JL, Thatcher M (2011).Multiscale climate modelling over Southern Africa using a variable-resolution global model. Water SA, 37 (5), pp. 647-658.


Hall KJ, Meiklejohn KI, Bumby AJ (2011). Marion Island volcanism and glaciation. Antarctic Science, 23 (2), pp. 155-163.


Hall KJ (2011). Natural building stone composed of light-transmissive minerals: impacts on thermal gradients, weathering and microbial colonization. A preliminary study, tentative interpretations, and future directions. Environmental Earth Sciences, 62 (2), pp. 289-297.


Hall KJ, Thorn C (2011). The historical Legacy of spatial scales in freeze-thaw weathering: Misrepresentation and resulting misdirection. Geomorphology, 130 (1/2), pp. 83-90.


Moeletsi ME, Walker S, Landman WA (2011). ENSO and implications on rainfall characteristics with reference to maize production in the Free State Province of South Africa. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 36 (14/15), pp 715-726.


Nickola M, Botha RC, Esau I, Djolov G, Combrinck WL (2011). Site characterisation: astronomical seeing from a turbulenceresolving model. South African Journal of Geology, 114 (3/4), pp. 581-584.


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Prinsloo LC, Colomban P, Brink DJ, Meiklejohn KI (2011). A Raman spectroscopic study of the igneous rocks on Marion Island: a possible terrestrial analogue for the geology on Mars. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 42 (4), pp. 626-632.


Sivakumar V, Prasanth PV, Kishore P, Bencherif H, Keckhut P (2011). Rayleigh LIDAR and satellite (HALOE, SABER, CHAMP and COSMIC) measurements of stratosphere-mesosphere temperature over a southern sub-tropical site, Reunion (20.8° S; 55.5° E): climatology and comparison study. Annales Geophysicae, 29, pp. 649-662.


Sivakumar V, Bencherif H, Bèngue N, Thompson AM (2011). Tropopause Characteristics and Variability from 11 yr of SHADOZ Observations in the Southern Tropics and Subtropics. Journal Of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 50, pp. 1403-1416.


Tesfaye M, Sivakumar V, Botai OJ, Tsidu GM (2011). Aerosol climatology over South Africa based on 10 years of Multiangle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR) data. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 116, pp. 1-17.

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Albers, P, Wright, C, Olwoch, JM (2010). Developing a South African Pedestrian Environment Assessment Tool: Tshwane Case Study. South Africa Journal of Science, 106 (9/10), pp. 1 -8.


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Begue N, Bencherif H, Sivakumar V, Kirgis G, Mze N, Leclair de Bellevue J (2010). Temperature variability and trend estimates at tropopause and UT-LS over a sub-tropical site, Reunion (20.8 S, 55.5 E). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussion, 10, pp. 10113–10143.


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- Author Christel Hansen

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