Conference Contributions

 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010


Henrico SJ, Coetzee SM, Cooper A (2017). Analysing the practical feasibility of FOSSGIS in military operations – A Cholera outbreak use case. Bonn, Germany, 24 - 26-Aug-2016.

Coetzee SM, Steiniger S, Kobben B, Iwaniak A, Kaczmarek I, Rapant P, Cooper AK, Behr F, Schoof G, Sinvula KM (2017). The Academic SDI—Towards understanding Spatial Data Infrastructures for research and education. 1st Edition. In M Peterson (ed.), Advances in Cartography and GIScience: Selections from the International Cartographic Conference 2017, Switzerland, Cham: SpringerLink. (pp. 99-113). ISBN 978-3-319-57335-9.
Schmitz PMU (2017). Displaying voter gains and losses: Local Government Elections in South Africa for 2011 and 2016. 1st Edition In M Peterson (ed.), Advances in Cartography and GIScience: Selections from the International Cartographic Conference 2017, Switzerland, Cham: SpringerLink. (pp. 309-323). ISBN 978-3-319-57335-9.
Schmitz PMU, Goncalves D, Jacobs M (2017). Mapping community vulnerability to poaching: A Whole-of-Society approach. Edition: 1st Edition In M Peterson (ed.), Advances in Cartography and GIScience: Selections from the International Cartographic Conference 2017, Switzerland, Cham: SpringerLink. (pp. 325-339). ISBN 978-3-319-57335-9.

Rautenbach V, Coetzee SM, Hankel M (2016) Exploratory user study to evaluate the effect of street name changes on route planning using 2D maps. XXIII ISPRS Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 12- 19 July 2016.


Sibolla BH, van Zyl T, Coetzee SM (2016). Towards the development of a taxonomy for visualisation of streamed geospatial data. XXIII ISPRS Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 12- 19 July 2016.

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Conference Proceedings

Coetzee SM, Rautenbach V (2016). Reflections on a community-based service learning approach in a geoinformatics project module. In S Gruner (ed.) Proceedings of the 45th Annual Conference of the Southern African Computer Lecturer's Association, SACLA 2016, Cullinan, South Africa, 5-6 July 2016, Revised Selected Papers. Cham: Springer. (pp. 143-159) ISBN 978-3-319-47679-7.


Landman WA, Archer E, Tadross M (2016). Decision-relevant information on seasonal time scales – the case of a farm in northern Namibia. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences, Cape Town, South Africa, 31 October-1 November 2016.


Mathole K, Ndarana T, Landman WA, Beraki A (2016). The climatology of the stratospheric zonal wind and its wave driving in the SAWS operation seasonal prediction system. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences, Cape Town, South Africa, 31 October-1 November 2016.


Pretorius SN, Weepener H, le Roux J, Sumner PD (2016). Swat and Obia based sediment yield analysis in the Tsitsa Catchment of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. In R Donaldson, G Visser, J Kemp & J de Waal (eds.) Proceedings of the Centenary Conference of the Society of South African Geographers, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 25-28 September 2016. (pp. 315-323) ISBN: 978-0-7972-1610-5.


Sangeetha S, Sivakumar V, Josipovic M, Gebreslasie M, Wright CY (2016) Comparative study of OMI BRD and PCA algorithm retrievals in relation to ground based measurements over a South African Site. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences, Cape Town, South Africa, 31 October-1 November 2016.


Swart A, Djolov G (2016) An analysis of the air dispersion potential over Uubvlei, Oranjemund, Namibia. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences, Cape Town, South Africa, 31 October-1 November 2016.


Tizora PC, le Roux A, Mans G, Cooper AK (2016). Land use and land cover change in the Western Cape Province: Quantification of changes & understanding of driving factors. In A Ogra, I Nkoane, KLK Mohan & N Minyuku (eds.) Proceedings of the 7th Planning Africa Conference 2016, Johannesburg, South Africa, 4-6 July 2016. ISBN: 978-0-620-69628-9.


Conference Contributions

Eksteen S, Coetzee SM, Lyew M, Olivares M, Solis P (2015). Geographic Information Science education at African and Latin American universities: A comparative review. The 27th International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2015), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 23-28 August 2015.


Engelbrecht CJ, Landman WA (2015). Seasonal forecasting of synoptic type variability: potential intraseasonal predictability relevant to the Cape south coast of South Africa. 31st Conference of the South African Society for Atmospheric Science, Hennops River Valley, South Africa, 21-22 September 2015.


Gijben M, Dyson LL, Loots MT (2015). A lightning threat index for South Africa using numerical weather prediction data. 31st Conference of the South African Society for Atmospheric Science, Hennops River Valley, South Africa, 21-22 September 2015.


John J, Garland R, Landman WA (2015). Understanding of extreme temperature events by environmental health stakeholders in South Africa. 31st Conference of the South African Society for Atmospheric Science, Hennops River Valley, South Africa, 21-22 September 2015.


Landman WA, Barnston A, Vogel C (2015). Ranking seasonal rainfall forecast skill of emerging and developing economies. 31st Conference of the South African Society for Atmospheric Science, Hennops River Valley, South Africa, 21-22 September 2015.


Mkhwanazi M, Landman WA, Engelbrecht F, Olivier C (2015). Downscaled climate change projections over northeastern South Africa: Implications for streamflow. 31st Conference of the South African Society for Atmospheric Science, Hennops River Valley, South Africa, 21-22 September 2015.


Mpanza TC, Dyson LL (2015). Comparison of January 1981 and January 2014 cut-off low pressure systems. 31st Conference of the South African Society for Atmospheric Science, Hennops River Valley, South Africa, 21-22 September 2015.


Mpheshea LE, Landman WA (2015). Predicting the extreme 2015/16 El Nino event. 31st Conference of the South African Society for Atmospheric Science, Hennops River Valley, South Africa, 21-22 September 2015.


Msomba EB, Engelbrecht CJ (2015). Evaluation of the ERA interim precipitation products over Eastern Tanzania. 31st Conference of the South African Society for Atmospheric Science, Hennops River Valley, South Africa, 21-22 September 2015.


Phakula S, Landman WA, Beraki A (2015). Predictability of the intra-seasonal rainfall characteristics variables over South Africa. 31st Conference of the South African Society for Atmospheric Science, Hennops River Valley, South Africa, 21-22 September 2015.


Pienaar N, Dyson LL, Klopper E (2015). Atmospheric anomalies during the 2012/13 extreme hail seasons over Gauteng. 31st Conference of the South African Society for Atmospheric Science, Hennops River Valley, South Africa, 21-22 September 2015.


Rautenbach V, Coetzee SM, Schiewe J, Coltekin A (2015). An Assessment of visual variables for the cartographic design of 3D informal settlement models. The 27th International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2015), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 23-28 August 2015.


Rautenbach V, Coltekin A, Coetzee SM (2015). Exploring the Impact of Visual Complexity Levels in 3D City Models on the Accuracy of Individuals’ Orientation and Cognitive Maps. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (GeoVIS'15 Workshop "Rendering and Cognition with Images and Hybrid Visualizations"), La Grande Motte, France, 28 September - 3 October 2015.


Swart A, Djolov G (2015). Effect of Meteorological Factors and Emission Reduction on Pollution in the Vaal Triangle Airshed Priority Area. 31st Conference of the South African Society for Atmospheric Science, Hennops River Valley, South Africa, 21-22 September 2015.


Wright CY, Griffith D (2015). Solar UVR instrument inter-comparison focusing on measurement interval recording setting and solar zenith angle as important factors. 31st Conference of the South African Society for Atmospheric Science, Hennops River Valley, South Africa, 21-22 September 2015.

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Conference Proceedings

Coetzee SM, Wolff-Piggott B (2015). A Review of SDI Literature: Searching for Signs of Inverse Infrastructures. 3rd Edition. In CR Sluter, CM Cruz & P Leal de Menezes (eds.), Cartography-Maps Connecting the World: 27th International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2015), Heidelberg: SpringerNature. (pp. 113-125). ISBN 978-3-319-17737-3.


Coetzee SM, Schmitz PMU, Cooper AK, Kruger T, Speed K, Barkhuizen M, Lochner H, Linnen C (2015). Space-Time Visualization for Investigative and Forensic Purposes. 3rd Edition. In CR Sluter, CM Cruz & P Leal de Menezes (eds.), Cartography-Maps Connecting the World: 27th International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2015), Heidelberg: SpringerNature. (pp. 267-280). ISBN 978-3-319-17737-3.


le Roux A, Khuluse S, Naude AJS (2015). Creating a High-Resolution Social Vulnerability Map in Support of National Decision Makers in South Africa. 3rd Edition. In CR Sluter, CM Cruz & P Leal de Menezes (eds.), Cartography-Maps Connecting the World: 27th International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2015), Heidelberg: SpringerNature. (pp. 283-293). ISBN 978-3-319-17737-3.


Schmitz PMU, Cooper AK, Kruger T, Speed K, Barkhuizen M, Lochner H, Linnen C (2015). Space-Time visualization for investigative and forensic purposes. 1st Edition In CR Sluter, CM Cruz & P Leal de Menezes (eds.), Cartography-Maps Connecting the World: 27th International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2015), Heidelberg: SpringerNature. (pp. 267-280). ISBN 978-3-319-17737-3.

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Conference Contribution

Barnes MA, Engelbrecht F (2014). Stability, accuracy and conservation properties of flux-form advection scheme. 30th Annual Conference of South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences: Modelling and Observing the Atmosphere, Potchefstroom, South Africa, 1-2 October 2014.


Dalton A, Landman WA (2014). Influence of horizontal resolution and ensemble size on model performance. 30th Annual Conference of South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences: Modelling and Observing the Atmosphere, Potchefstroom, South Africa, 1-2 October 2014.


Diriba TA, Debusho LK, Botai OJ, Hassan AS (2014). Analysis of extreme rainfall at East London, South Africa. Proceedings of the 56th Annual Conference of the South African Statistical Association for 2014 (SASA 2014), Rhodes University, Grahamstown, 27-Oct-2014 - 30-Oct-2014.


Dyson LL (2014). The sinuous ways of SOMs. 30th Annual Conference of South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences: Modelling and Observing the Atmosphere, Potchefstroom, South Africa, 1-2 October 2014.


Engelbrecht C, Landman WA (2014). Interannual rainfall variability over the Cape south coast of South Africa linked to cut-off low associated rainfall. 30th Annual Conference of South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences: Modelling and Observing the Atmosphere, Potchefstroom, South Africa, 1-2 October 2014.


Garland R, Bopape MM, Matooane M, Engelbrecht F (2014). Projections of heat waves and health impacts in Africa in a changing climate. 30th Annual Conference of South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences: Modelling and Observing the Atmosphere, Potchefstroom, South Africa, 1-2 October 2014.


Landman WA, Engelbrecht F, McGregor J, van der Merwe J (2014). Atmospheric modelling for seasonal prediction at the CSIR. 30th Annual Conference of South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences: Modelling and Observing the Atmosphere, Potchefstroom, South Africa, 1-2 October 2014.


Landman WA, Engelbreght F, Ndarana T (2014). Anthropogenic radiative forcing of South African and Southern Hemisphere climate variability and change. 30th Annual Conference of South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences: Modelling and Observing the Atmosphere, Potchefstroom, South Africa, 1-2 October 2014.


Liebenberg A, Landman S (2014). Comparison study on high resolution rainfall forecast verification techniques. 30th Annual Conference of South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences: Modelling and Observing the Atmosphere, Potchefstroom, South Africa, 1-2 October 2014.


Malherbe J, Landman WA, Engelbrecht F (2014). Can intraseasonal to decadal forecasts benefit from consideration of lunar forcing? 30th Annual Conference of South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences: Modelling and Observing the Atmosphere, Potchefstroom, South Africa, 1-2 October 2014.


Shibambu P, Landman WA (2014). A study on Bio-meteorological indices for forecasting heat waves over SA. 30th Annual Conference of South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences: Modelling and Observing the Atmosphere, Potchefstroom, South Africa, 1-2 October 2014.

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Conference Proceedings

Cooper AK, Coetzee SM, Rapant P, Laurent D, Danko D, Iwaniak A, Peled A, Moellering H, Duren U (2014). Exploring the Impact of a Spatial Data Infrastructure on Value-Added Resellers and Vice Versa. In M Buchroithner, N.Prechtel, & N Burghardt (eds.), Cartography from Pole to Pole: Selected Contributions to the XXVIth International Cartographic Conference of the ICADresden 2013. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. (pp. 395-404). ISBN 978-3-642-32617-2.


Eksteen SP, Coetzee SM (2014). The State of GISc Education and SDI Implementation in the SADC Countries: A Comparative Study. In M Buchroithner, N.Prechtel, & N Burghardt (eds.), Cartography from Pole to Pole: Selected Contributions to the XXVIth International Cartographic Conference of the ICADresden 2013. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. (pp. 471-482). ISBN 978-3-642-32617-2.


Kurwakumire E, Coetzee SM, Schmitz PMU, Tjia DE (2014). Supply chain mapping for visualising the SDI in South Africa: A case of land administration data. Proceedings of the Second AfricaGEO Conference (AfricaGEO 2014), Cape Town, South Africa, 1-3 July 2014.


Luus NJJ, van der Merwe FJ (2014). Error propagation of stockpile volumetric calculations derived from aerial LiDAR data. Proceedings of the Second AfricaGEO Conference (AfricaGEO 2014), Cape Town, South Africa, 1-3 July 2014.


Rautenbach V, Coetzee SM, Coltekin A (2014). Towards evaluating the map literacy of planners in 2D maps and 3D models in South Africa. Proceedings of the Second AfricaGEO Conference (AfricaGEO 2014), Cape Town, South Africa, 1-3 July 2014.


Schmitz PMU, Eksteen SP (2014). The Effect of GIS Data Quality on Infrastructure Planning: School Accessibility in the City of Tshwane, South Africa. Proceedings of the Second AfricaGEO Conference (AfricaGEO 2014), Cape Town, South Africa, 1-3 July 2014.


Sinvula KM, Coetzee SM, Cooper AK, Nangolo E, OwusuBanahene W, Rautenbach V, Hipondoka M (2014). A Contextual ICA Stakeholder Model Approach for the Namibian Spatial Data Infrastructure (NamSDI). In M Buchroithner, N.Prechtel, & N Burghardt (eds.), Cartography from Pole to Pole: Selected Contributions to the XXVIth International Cartographic Conference of the ICADresden 2013. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. (pp. 381-394). ISBN 978-3-642-32617-2.

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Conference Contributions

Cooper AK, Coetzee SM, Rapant P, Laurent D, Iwaniak A, Peled A, Moellering H, Duren U (2013). Exploring the impact of a spatial data infrastructure on value added resellers and vice versa26th International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2013), Dresden, Germany, 25-30 August 2013.


Cronje JCJ, Van der Mescht D (2013). Investigating limiting conditions in mountain wave rotor formation an experimental approach applied to the Outeniqua mountains in the George region in South Africa. 29th Annual Conference of South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences, Durban, South Africa, 26-27 September 2013.


Dlamini L, Botai OJ, Sivakumar V (2013). Analysis of biomass burning based on remote sensing data. 29th Annual Conference of South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences, Durban, South Africa, 26-27 September 2013.


Dyson LL, Stander J (2013). Step wise show forecasting decision tree. 29th Annual Conference of South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences, Durban, South Africa, 26-27 September 2013.


Dyson LL, van Heerden J, Engelbrecht C (2013). Climatology of heavy rainfall soundings at Irene by using self-organizing maps. 29th Annual Conference of South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences, Durban, South Africa, 26-27 September 2013.


Eksteen SP, Coetzee SM (2013). The state of GISc education and SDI implementation in the SADC countries a comparative study 26th International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2013), Dresden, Germany, 25-30 August 2013.


Engelbrecht CJ, Landman WA, Engelbrecht F (2013). The relative contribution of synoptic types to rainfall over the Cape south coast region. 29th Annual Conference of South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences, Durban, South Africa, 26-27 September 2013.


Geldenhuys M, van Heerden J (2013). Estimating fog water yield potential on the Southern Cape Mountains of South Arica. 29th Annual Conference of South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences, Durban, South Africa, 26-27 September 2013.


Gumede TF, Dyson LL (2013). Trends in atmospheric conditions associated with severe storms over Gauteng. 29th Annual Conference of South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences, Durban, South Africa, 26-27 September 2013.


Jele XF, Bopape M, Engelbrecht F (2013). Simulating hourly rainfall over South Africa using the CCAM. 29th Annual Conference of South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences, Durban, South Africa, 26-27 September 2013.


Landman WA, Engelbrecht F, Malherbe J, van der Merwe J (2013). Statistical downscaling of multi decadal climate change projections bridging the gap between climate models and the end user. Statistical downscaling of multi decadal climate change projections bridging the gap between climate models and the end user. 29th Annual Conference of South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences, Durban, South Africa, 26-27 September 2013.


Makgabutlane M, Wright C (2013). The influence of meteorological factors on solar ultraviolet radiation over Pretoria, South Africa for the year 2012. 29th Annual Conference of South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences, Durban, South Africa, 26-27 September 2013.


Powell CL (2013). Characteristics of hailstorms over the Highveld of South Africa. 29th Annual Conference of South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences, Durban, South Africa, 26-27 September 2013.


Pretorius E (2013). Image classification towards mapping of vegetation structure a practical approach. 26th International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2013), Dresden, Germany, 25-30 August 2013.


Rautenbach CJDW (2013). A CFD model of flow over the complex terrain of Mariepskop, South Africa. 29th Annual Conference of South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences, Durban, South Africa, 26-27 September 2013.


Sinvula KM, Coetzee SM, Cooper AK, Nangola E, OwusuBanahene W, Rautenbach V, Hipondoka M (2013). A contextual ICA stakeholder model approach for the Namibian spatial data infrastructure (NamSDI). 26th International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2013), Dresden, Germany, 25-30 August 2013.


Conference Proceedings

Owusu Banahene W and Coetzee SM (2013). Integrating linked open data into source web mapping. 26th International Cartographic Conference Proceedings (ICC 2013): From Pole to Pole, Dresden, Germany, 25-30 August.


Truter WF, Bredell TG, Olivier J, van Heerden DI and Mosebi PE (2013).The impact of surface coal mining on the pre- and postmining agricultural potential of the grassland biome of Southern Africa. Proceedings of the 22nd International Grassland Congress: Revitalising Grasslands to Sustain our Communities,Sydney, NSW, Australia, 15-19 September.

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Conference Contributions

Antony K Cooper, Serena Coetzee and Derrick Kourie (2012). Assessing the quality of repositories of volunteered geographical information. GISSA Ukubuzana 2012, ISBN 978-0-620-52913-6, Ekurhuleni, South Africa, 2-4 October 2012.


Serena Coetzee and Antony K Cooper (2012). Opportunities for research and innovation from involvement in standards development – Experiences of two researchers, International Conference on Education in Standardisation (ICES) 2012 and WSC Academic Day, Bali, Indonesia, 9-11 May 2012, 6 pages.


Sanet Eksteen, Serena Coetzee and Christopher Grundling (2012). Tertiary GISc education at African universities: Is the sun shining in South Africa? GISSA Ukubuzana 2012, ISBN 978-0-620-52913-6, Ekurhuleni, South Africa, 2-4 October 2012.


Samy Katumba, Serena Coetzee and Adri de la Rey (2012). An assessment of spatial data availability for renewable energy planning in sub-Saharan Africa. GISSA Ukubuzana 2012, ISBN 978-0-620-52913-6, Ekurhuleni, South Africa, 2-4 October 2012.


Wiafe Owusu-Banahene and Serena Coetzee (2012). An evaluation of the suitability of open source web map servers for setting up a geospatial thematic web map service. GISSA Ukubuzana 2012, ISBN 978-0-620-52913-6, Ekurhuleni, South Africa, 2-4 October 2012.


Victoria Rautenbach, Serena Coetzee, Julian Smit, Ivan Muzondo and Heindrich du Plessis (2012). Identifying the target audiences, media and messages for SDI education and training in South Africa. GISSA Ukubuzana 2012, ISBN 978-0-620-52913-6, Ekurhuleni, South Africa, 2-4 October 2012.


Victoria Rautenbach, Serena Coetzee, Adam Iwaniak, and Marek Strzelecki (2012). Results of an evaluation of the orchestration capabilities of the ZOO project and the 52º North framework for an intelligent geoportal. XXII ISPRS Congress 2012, Melbourne, Australia, 25 August – 1 September 2012, 6 pages. 20.


Peter Schmitz (2012). Voting patterns for the 2004 and 2009 national and the 2006 and 2011 local elections. GISSA Ukubuzana 2012, ISBN 978-0-620-52913-6, Ekurhuleni, South Africa, 2-4 October 2012.


Kisco Sinvula, Serena Coetzee, Antony K Cooper and Martin Hipondoka (2012). Exploring the potential suitability of an SDI model in context of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure of Namibia. GISSA Ukubuzana 2012, ISBN 978-0-620-52913-6, Ekurhuleni, South Africa, 2-4 October 2012.


Dinao Elmon Tjia and Serena Coetzee (2012). Land administration domain model: application to the City of Johannesburg land information system, South Africa. GISSA Ukubuzana 2012, ISBN 978-0-620-52913-6, Ekurhuleni, South Africa, 2-4 October 2012.


Dinao Elmon Tjia and Serena Coetzee (2012). Towards a profile of the land administation domain model (LADM) for South Africa. GSDI-13, Quebec, Canada, 14-18 May 2012, 12 pages.

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Conference Proceedings

Coetzee SM, Cooper AK, Ditsela J: Towards good principles for the design of a national address assignment scheme. In: 25th International Cartographic Conference: Enlightened view on Cartography and GIS 3-8 July 2011, pp 1-10


Coetzee SM, Cox S, Herring J: Configuration management of a system of interdependent standards. In: 7th International Conference on Standardization and Innovation in Information Technology (SIIT), pp 47-58


Cooper AK, Rapant P, Hjelmager J, Laurent D, Iwaniak A, Coetzee SM, Moellering H: Extending the formal model of a spatial data infrastructure to include volunteered geographical information. In: 25th International Cartographic Conference: Enlightened view on Cartography and GIS 3-8 July 2011, pp 1-10


Ditsela J, Coetzee SM, Cooper A: Proposed criteria for the evaluation of an address assignment scheme in Botswana. In: AfricaGEO Developing Geomatics for Africa, pp 1-9.


Iwaniak A, Kaczmarek I, Kubik T, Lukowicz J, Paluszynski W, Kourie DG, Cooper A, Coetzee SM: An Intelligent Geoportal for Spatial Planning. In: 25th International Cartographic Conference: Enlightened view on Cartography and GIS 3-8 July 2011, pp 1-5


Luhunga P, Djolov G, Sivakumar V: A Study of Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layer Characterization Over Highveld Region of South Africa. In: South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences 27th Annual Conference 22 - 23 September 2011: The Interdependent Atmosphere, Land and Ocean, Pp 63-64


Mahlangu KA, Botai OJ : Analysis of Mid-Latitude Tropopause Structure and Variability from Radiosonde and Radio Occultation Data. In: South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences 27TH Annual Conference 22 - 23 September 2011: The Interdependent Atmosphere, Land and Ocean, pp 37-38.


Rashki AR, Kaskaoutis DG, Eriksson PG, Rautenbach CJdW, Gupta P: Assessment of Dust Concentration and Sediment Load of Dust Storms in the Sistan Region of Iran At The 7th Asian Aerosol Conference, Xi'an


Sebake MD, Coetzee SM: On motivators and barriers of interorganizational GIS data sharing for address organizations in a South African SDI. In: AfricaGEO Developing Geomatics for Africa, pp 1-11.


Simpson L, Botai OJ, De Coning E, Sivakumar V: Comparing Lightning Polarity and Cloud Microphysical Properties Over Regions of High Ground Flash Density in South Africa. In: South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences 27th Annual Conference 22 - 23 September 2011: The Interdependent Atmosphere, Land and Ocean, pp 41-42.


Tesfaye M, Tsidu GM, Sivakumar V, Botai OJ: Effective Single Scattering Albedo Estimation using Regional Climate Model. In: South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences 27th Annual Conference 22 - 23 September 2011: The Interdependent Atmosphere, Land and Ocean, pp 53-54.

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Bencherif H, Mze N, Begue N, Colanne N, Diab R, Sivakumar V, and Keckhut P (2010). On the use of a Regression Model for Trend Estimates from Ground-based Atmospheric Observations in the Southern Hemisphere. In V Sivakumar (ed.) 26th Annual Conference Proceedings of the South African Society for Atmosphere Science, South Africa, 20-22 September 2010. (pp. 7-8). ISBN 978‑0‑620‑47333‑0.


Mbatha N, Sivakumar V, Malinga SB, Bencherif H, Pillay SR, Moorgawa A and Michaelis MM (2010). Durban Rayleigh Lidar measurements of stratosphere-mesosphere temperature structure. In International Coordination Group on Laser Atmospheric Studies (ICLAS) (ed.),  Proceedings of the 25th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC 25), Vol. 2, Saint Pietersburg (Russia), 5-9 July, 2010. (pp. 987-990).  ISBN 978-5-94458-109-9.


Sivakumar V (ed.) (2010). Not a Dam. 26th Annual Conference Proceedings of the South African Society for Atmosphere Science, South Africa, 20-22 September 2010. Electronic publication,, ISBN 978‑0‑620‑47333‑0.


Sivakumar V (ed.) (2010). Beyond the Box. 25th Annual Conference Proceedings of the South African Society for Atmosphere Science. Electronic publication,, ISBN 978‑0‑620‑44218‑3.


Sivakumar V, Bollig C, Sharma A and Tesfaye M (2010). Development of 2-Channel (532 nm and 355 nm) Mobile LIDAR for Mapping Particulate Matter in the Atmosphere.  In V Sivakumar (ed.) 26th Annual Conference Proceedings of the South African Society for Atmosphere Science, South Africa, 20-22 September 2010. (pp. 103-104). ISBN 978‑0‑620‑47333‑0.


Tesfaye M, Sivakumar V, Botai J and Mengistu G (2010). Latitudinal Variations of Aerosol Optical Parameters over South Africa Based on MISR Satellite Data.  In V Sivakumar (ed.) 26th Annual Conference Proceedings of the South African Society for Atmosphere Science, South Africa, 20-22 September 2010. (pp.105-106). ISBN 978‑0‑620‑47333‑0.


Tesfaye M, Sivakumar V, Mengistu G, Botai J, Sharma A, Bollig C and Rautenbach CJ deW (2010). Atmospheric Aerosol load morphological classification and retrieved visibility based on lidar backscatter measurement.  In International Coordination Group on Laser Atmospheric Studies (ICLAS) (ed.), Proceedings of the 25th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC 25), Vol. 1, Saint Pietersburg (Russia), 5-9 July, 2010. (pp. 487-490). ISBN 978-5-94458-109-9.


Tsela PL, van Helden P, Frost,P, Wessels K and Archibald S (2010). Validation of the MODIS Burned-area products across different biomes in South Africa. In Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers & IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (eds.), 2010 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2010): Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 25 - 30 July 2010. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. (pp. 3652-3655) ISBN: 978-1-4244-9566-5.

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- Author Christel Hansen

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