Publications by Dr Thulani Makhalanyane

Publications in peer-reviewed journals:

  • Bezuidt, O.K.I., Pierneef, R., Gomri, A.M., Adesioye, F., Makhalanyane, T.P., Kharroub, K., Cowan, D.A. 2016. The Geobacillus pan-genome: implications for the evolution of the genus. Frontiers in Microbiology 7:723.
  • Miyambo, T., Makhalanyane, T.P., Cowan, D.A., Valverde, A. 2016. Plants of the Fynbos biome harbour host species-specific bacterial communities. FEMS Microbiology Letters. In press
  • Adesioye, F.A., Makhalanyane, T.P., Biely, P., Cowan, D.A. 2016. Phylogeny, classification and function of acetyl xylan esterases. Enzyme and Microbial Technology
  • Van Goethem, M.W., Makhalanyane, T.P., Valverde, A., Cary, S.C., Cowan, D.A. 2016. Characterization of bacterial communities in lithobionts and soil niches from Victoria Valley, Antarctica. FEMS Microbiology Ecology.
  • Vikram, S., Guerrero, L., Makhalanyane, T.P., Le, P., Seely, M., Cowan, D.A. 2016. Metagenomic analysis provides insights into functional capacity in a hyperarid desert soil niche community. Environmental Microbiology.
  • Makhalanyane, T.P., Van Goethem, M.W., Cowan, D.A. 2016. Microbial diversity and functional capacity in polar soils. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 38, 159-166.
  • Bezuidt, O., Makhalanyane, T.P., Mohammed, A., Karima, K., Cowan, D.A. 2015. Draft genome sequence of thermophilic Geobacillus sp. strain Sah69, isolated from Saharan soil, South-East Algeria, 3(6), e01447-15.
  • Cowan, D.A., Ramond, J-B., Makhalanyane, T.P., De Maayer, P. 2015. Metagenomics of extreme environments. Current Opinion in Microbiology, 25, 97-102.
  • Makhalanyane, T.P., Valverde, A., Velázquez, D., Gunnigle, E., Van Goethem, M.W., Quesada, A., Cowan, D.A. 2015. Ecology and biogeochemistry of cyanobacteria in soils, permafrost, aquatic and cryptic polar habitats. Biodiversity and Conservation, 24(4), 819-840.
  • Gunnigle, E., Ramond, J-B., Guerrero, L., Makhalanyane, T.P., Cowan, D.A. 2015. Draft genomic DNA sequence of the multi-resistant Sphingomonas sp. strain AntH11 isolated from an Antarctic hypolith. FEMS Microbiology Letters.
  • Makhalanyane, T.P., Valverde, A., Gunnigle, E., Frossard, A., Ramond, J-B, Cowan D.A. 2015. Microbial Ecology of hot desert edaphic systems. FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 39(2), 203-221.
  • Valverde, A, Makhalanyane, T.P., Seely, M., Cowan, D.A. Cyanobacteria drive community composition and functionality in rock-soil interface communities. Molecular Ecology (In press).
  • Ronca, S., Frossard, A., Guerrero, L.D., Makhalanyane, T.P., Aislabie, J.M. Cowan, D.A. Draft genome Sequence of Sphingomonas sp. strain Ant20, isolated from oil-contaminated soil on Ross Island, Antarctica. Genome Announcements (In press)
  • Ramond, J-B, Makhalanyane, T.P., Tuffin, M.I., Cowan, D.A. Normalization of environmental metagenomic DNA enhances the discovery of under-represented microbial community members. Letters in Applied Microbiology
  • Valverde, A, Makhalanyane, T.P., Cowan, DA. 2014. Contrasting assembly processes in a bacterial metacommunity along a desiccation gradient. Frontiers in Microbiology doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00668
  • Ferreras, E.R., De Maayer, P., Makhalanyane, T.P., Guerrero, L.D., Aislabie, J.M. Cowan, D.A. 2014. The draft genome sequence of Microbacterium sp. CH12i, isolated from shallow groundwater in Cape Hallet, Antarctica. Genome Announcements 2(4):e00789-14. doi:10.1128/genomeA.00789-14.
  • Adriaenssens, E.M., Guerrero, LD., Makhalanyane, T.P., Aislabie, J.M., Cowan, D.A. 2014. Draft genome sequence of the aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading bacterium Sphingobium sp. strain Ant17 isolated from Antarctic soil. Genome Announcements. 2(1) e00212-14. doi: 10.1125/genomeA.00212-14.
  • Cowan, D.A., Makhalanyane, T.P., Dennis, P.G., and D.W, Hopkins. 2014. Microbial Ecology and biogeochemistry of continental Antarctic soils. Frontiers in Microbiology: 5:154 doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00154
  • Guerrero L.D., Makhalanyane T.P., Aislabie, J.M., Cowan, D.A. 2014. Draft genome sequence of Williamsia sp. strain D3, isolated from the Darwin Mountains, Antarctica. Genome Announcements 2(1):e01230-13.
  • Makhalanyane, T.P., Valverde, A., Birkeland, N-K., Cary, S.C., Tuffin, I.M., and D.A. Cowan. 2013. Evidence for successional development in Antarctic hypolithic bacterial communities. The ISME Journal. 7, 2080-2090
  • Makhalanyane, T.P., Valverde, A., Lacap, D.C., Pointing, S.B., Tuffin, I.M., D.A Cowan. 2013. Evidence of species recruitment and development of hot desert hypolithic communities. Environmental Microbiology Reports. 5 (2), 219-224.
  • Stomeo, F., Makhalanyane T.P., Pointing, S.B., Stevens, M., Cary S.C., Tuffin, I.M., D.A Cowan. 2012. Abiotic drivers influence the microbial diversity in permanently cold soil horizons of a maritime-associated Antarctic Dry Valley. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 82 (2), 326-340.
  • Cowan, D.A., Sohm, J.A., Makhalanyane T.P., Capone, D.G, Green, T.G.A., Cary S.C, I.M Tuffin. 2011. Hypolithic communities: important nitrogen sources in Antarctic desert soils. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 3, 581-586.
  • Miyambo, T., Makhalanyane, T.P., Cowan, D.A., Valverde, A. 2016. Plants of the Fynbos biome harbour host species-specific bacterial communities. FEMS Microbiology Letters
  • Adesioye, F.A., Makhalanyane, T.P., Biely, P., Cowan, D.A. 2016. Phylogeny, classification and function of acetyl xylan esterases. Enzyme and Microbial Technology
  • Le, P., Makhalanyane, T.P., Guerrero, L., Vikram, S., Van de Peer, Y., Cowan, D.A. 2016. Comparative metagenomic analysis reveals mechanisms for stress response in hypoliths from extreme hyperarid deserts. Genome Biology and Evolution 8(9):2737-47
  • de Scally, S.Z., Makhalanyane, T.P.#, Frossard, A., Hogg, I., and Cowan, D.A. 2016. Antarctic microbial communities are functionally redundant, resistant and resilient to short term temperature perturbations. Soil Biology and Biochemistry (103) 160-170
  • Bezuidt, O.K.I., Gomri, A.M., Pierneed, R., Van Goethem, M.W., Kharroub, K., Cowan, D.A., Makhalanyane, T.P#. Draft genome sequence of Thermoactinomyces sp. strain AS95 isolated from Thamelaht Sebkha, AlgeriaStandards in Genomics Sciences
  • Armstrong, A., Valverde, A., Ramond, J-B., Makhalanyane, T.P., Jansson, J.K., Hopkins, D.A., Seely, M., Trindade, M., Cowan, D.A. Temporal dynamics of hot desert microbial communities reveal structural and functional responses to water input. Scientific Reports


Books and/or chapters in books:

  • Makhalanyane, T.P., Pointing, S.B., Cowan, D.A (2014). Chapter 13: Lithobionts: Cryptic and Refuge niches. In Antarctic Terrestrial Microbiology. Editor. D.A. Cowan. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. ISBN: 978-3-642-45212-3
  • Makhalanyane, T.P., de Scally, S., Cowan, D.A. Microbiology of Antarctic edaphic and lithic habitats. In The Biology of Arid and initial Soils. Editor: B. Steven.

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