Recent publications by Dr Jean-Baptiste Ramond


  • Relationships between hydrosedimentary processes and occurrence of mercury-resistant bacteria (merA) in estuary mudflats (Seine, France). (2008) J-B. Ramond, T. Berthe, J. Deloffre, R. Lafite, B.Ouddane, F. Petit. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 56: 1168-1176.
  • Comparative effects of mercury contamination and wastewater effluent inputs on Gram-negative merA gene abundance in mudflats of an anthropized estuary (Seine, France): a microcosm approach. (2009) J-B Ramond, T Berthe, R Duran, F Petit. Research in Microbiology. 160: 10-18.
  • Evidence of methylmercury production and modification of the microbial community structure in estuary sediments contaminated with wastewater treatment plant effluents. (2011) J-B Ramond, F Petit, L Quillet, B Ouddane, T Berthe. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 62: 1073–1080.
  • Ethanol degradation and the benefits of incremental priming in pilot-scale constructed wetlands. (2011) PJ Welz, J-B Ramond, DA Cowan, A Prins, SG Burton. Ecological Engineering. 37: 1453-1459.
  • Microbial community structure, a key parameter in monitoring the development and stability of constructed wetland mesocosms. (2012) J-B Ramond, PJ Welz, DA Cowan, SG Burton. Research in Microbiology. 163: 28-35.
  • Treatment of high ethanol concentration wastewater by biological sand filters: Enhanced COD removal and bacterial community dynamics. (2012) A Rodriguez Caballero, J-B Ramond, PJ Welz, DA Cowan, M Odlare, SG Burton. Journal of Environmental Management. 109: 54-60.
  • Phenolic removal processes in sediments and constructed wetlands exposed to winery waste. (2012) PJ Welz, J-B Ramond, DA Cowan, SG Burton. Bioresource Technology. 119: 262–269
  • Assessment of temporal and spatial evolution of bacterial communities in a biological sand filter mesocosm treating winery wastewater. (2013) J-B Ramond, PJ Welz, MI Tuffin, SG Burton, DA Cowan. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 115: 91-101
  • Evidence of variability in the structure and recruitment of rhizospheric and endophytic bacteria communities associated with arable sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench). (2013) J-B Ramond, F Tshabuse, CW Bopda, DA Cowan, MI Tuffin. Plant and Soil. 372: 265-278.
  • Selection of diazotrophic bacterial communities in biological sand filter mesocosms used for the treatment of phenolic-laden wastewater. (2013) J-B Ramond, PJ Welz, MI Tuffin, SG Burton, DA Cowan. Microbial Ecology. 66: 563-570
  • Selection of Clostridium spp. in biological sand filters neutralizing synthetic acid mine drainage. J-B Ramond, PJ Welz, M le Roes-Hill, MI Tuffin, SG Burton, DA Cowan. FEMS Microbial Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1574-6941.12255
  • Minor differences in sand physicochemistry lead to major differences in bacterial community structure and function after exposure to synthetic acid mine drainage. PJ Welz, J-B Ramond, M le Roes-Hill, DA Cowan, SG Burton. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering. In press.


  • Chapter 7: Tolerance in organisms chronically exposed to estuarine pollution. (2009) C Amiard-Triquet, T Berthe, A Créach, F Denis, C Durou, F Gévaert, C Mouneyrac, J-B Ramond, F Petit. In “Environmental assessment of estuarine ecosystems: a case study.” Eds C. Amiard-Triquet & P.S. Rainbow; Taylor and Francis, a CRC Press book, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
  • Chapter 6: Mechanisms and applications of microbial solvent tolerance. (2012) MP Taylor, J-B Ramond, MI Tuffin, SG Burton, K Eley, DA Cowan. In: Microbial stress tolerance: from genomics to biofuels. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-21467-7_8.
  • Chapter 257: New technique for the recovery of full-length ORFs from the metagenome. (2013) DA Cowan, S Ronca, J-B Ramond. In: Encyclopedia of Metagenomics,

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