Research Activities in 2017 and 2018


Visits to local and overseas universities as guest professor or lecturer

  • Mühr S., First bilateral Summer School on African and European Narratives of Origin and Foundation Myths. University of Konstanz, 6-12 June 2017.


Participation in national and international associations, bodies, committees

  • Mühr S., Member of the board: German Studies Association in Southern Africa (SAGV), secretary and vice-president.
  • Mühr S., Member of the editorial board: Acta Germanica.
  • Tirvassen, R. Participation as Expert for Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie of first meeting of experts on the International Survey of the French Language. Paris June, 2017.


Involvement in research projects

  • Mühr S., Decolonizing multilingualism. Research project with Rada Tirvassen.
  • Mühr, S. Infinitum. Narratives of cultural knowledge formation on the concept of infinity.


Master and doctoral supervisions

  • Tirvassen, R. PhD supervision: Shalini Ramasawmy, Translanguaging and the teaching of English in a multilingual context, University of Brighton, UK.
  • Tirvassen, R. PhD co-supervision: Chamilall Manish, Secondary School Teacher Identities in a context of educational change in Mauritius, University of Kwazulu Natal, South Africa.
  • Tirvassen, R. PhD co-supervision: Jacques Laval Lindsay Paul, An exploration of the educational experiences of out-of-school children at primary level, University of Kwazulu Natal, South Africa.
  • Tirvassen, R. PhD co-supervision: Saraswatee Rajiah, Transition practices of sending and receiving teachers. Taking the leap from preschool to primary school, University of Kwazulu Natal, South Africa.
  • Tirvassen, R. PhD co-supervision: Dorothy Cooshna-Naik, Engaging with digital multimodal texts- exploring students’ experiences in a tertiary education institution, University of Kwazulu Natal, South Africa.


Publications (books, articles, chapters and so on)

  • Mühr S. 2017. Bewegung im Transitraum am Beispiel des Spinozastreits. In: E. Hess-Luttich & B. Jung (eds.), Cross Cultural Communication "Transiträume und transitorische begegnungen in literatur, theater und film": Peter Lang, pp. 111-127.
  • Mühr S. 2017. Litetarische Identität als Kontingenzerfahrung in Wolfgang Herrndorfs - Tschick - und - Sand . In: Wolting, Monika (Ed.): Identitätskonstruktionen in der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, pp. 79-94.
  • Mühr S. 2017 Was die Sprache redet und was der Körper sagt. Interview mit Gerhild Steinbuch. Acta Germanica 45: 184-187.
  • Mühr S. 2017. Das kalte Herz in drei Schauplätzen. Ein Bericht. eDUSA 1/2017.  
  • Mühr S., Tirvassen R. 2017. Introduction. Spil Plus, 51 pp. i-vi
  • Tirvassen, R. 2017, " World Englishes et français régionaux : comment éviter une socio-linguistique du locuteur natif " in Le français en Afrique, N° ISSN : 1157-1454,  Revue du Réseau des Observatoires   du Français Contemporain en Afrique, Université de Nice.
  • Tirvassen, R. 2017, " World Englishes et français régionaux : so different ou les limites de la théorisation en sciences du langage ? " French Studies in Southern Africa, to appear in July 2017.
  • Tirvassen, R. & Ramasawmy S. J., 2017, "Deconstructing and re-inventing the concept of multilingualism: A case study of the Mauritian sociolinguistic landscape". Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus [Online], in press.
  • Tirvassen, R. 2017, " Catégorisations sociales et postures scientifiques : la plural society et les sociétés créoles ",  to appear.
  • Weber, A. 2017. Die Arbeit mit Collagen im DaF-Unterricht am Beispiel einer Collage von Herta Müller. Deutsch als Fremdsprache 54, Heft 3/2017: 149-157.


Papers presented at Conferences, workshops, short courses

  • Mühr S. "Das kalte Herz an drei Schauplätzen." Paper presented at the 28th conference of the SAGV, Stellenbosch University, April 2017.
  • Mühr S. "Grenzen und Transferprozesse von Biosystemen." Paper presented at the conference of the "Gesellschaft für international Germanistik" (GiG), Europa-Universität Flensburg (Germany), September 2017.
  • Mühr S. "Zugehörigkeit als epistemische Funktion und die Grenzen der Mathematik." Paper presented at the 2nd Intl. conference on "Zugehörigkeiten"; Stellenbosch University, 13 - 15 November 2017.
  • Tirvassen, R. October 18-19, 2017, Keynote address in an international conference on intercultural communication: L’interculturel: quels défis et problématiques aux niveaux européen et international? Jointly organised by University of Rome 3 and Catholic Institute of  Toulouse, France.
  • Tirvassen, R. L’Institut d’Etudes et de Recherches pour l’Arabisation, Language Planning and territoriality in Africa. Rabat, Morocco, 25-27 September,
  • Weber, A. Paper presented at the SAGV-Conference in Stellenbosch, 10 - 12 April 2017: Afrikanische Augen. Vorschläge für den DaF-Unterricht im Rahmen der Forderung nach Transformierung des südafrikanischen Curriculums.

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