
A major challenge faced by the School is to grow its staff and indeed its academic support programme in line with its growth in student numbers and academic programmes. Recognising this, the School has appointed an Academic Programme Coordinator to manage the academic aspects of the educational programme. All students are now in email contact with both the Coordinator and student administration, as well as with other academic staff. In the modern era, with students scattered widely across the subcontinent, this has become a very important component of both academic administration and support.

The School has developed a modern approach to adult learning, with a strong emphasis on problem solving, group work and competence. The modular programme allows students to tailor their learning to their current job requirements and future career plans, by appropriately selecting from the diverse array of modules on offer, in the knowledge that the School is ensuring that core public health learning needs are met by setting some courses or clusters of courses as compulsory.

Click on the relevant links in the menu to the left or below for more information.

Important Notice

The academic staff at the SHSPH are currently supervising many postgraduate students and have reached their supervisory capacity. Therefore the following tracks will not accept any further PhD proposals during the period May 2014 - April 2015:

  • Disease control track: PhD(Public Health)
  • Epidemiology and Biostatistics track: PhD(Epidemiology)
  • Environmental and Occupational track: PhD(Community Health) and/or PhD(Environmental Health)
  • The Health Policy and Management track and the Health Promotion track will each consider one PhD proposal during the period May 2014 - April 2015, i.e. PhD (Health Systems) or PhD (Public Health)

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