Welcome all to your go-to resource centre for public health educational tools!

You may be wondering why is this needed? Simply put, there is no one-stop shop for students or educators wanting to learn more about public health and have access to educational tools for the local context.

Don’t get us wrong. There are lots of educational tools out there but not many locally adapted ones or for the African continent. So we’re looking at them all and tweaking them for your use.

This site is a work in progress but in time it will have educational tools (picture links; templates; games; infographics…) for each of the fields/sub-disciplines of public health. All at your fingertips.

To get all the updates, you can either follow the site (earning brownie points from us) or diarize it to go onto the site frequently. An Instagram account linked to public health will allow anyone to post public health-related pictures.

So next time you’re at a conference about tobacco control; or passing green spaces in a community or noticing reduced salt content in your favourite packet of chips, take a photo and tag us!

[ Please go to the Our Public Health SA site for more information ]


- Author Astrid Turner

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