Academic Staff

Name: VOYI Kuku , Prof Prof Kuku Voyi
Qualifications: BSc (Fort Hare) BSc(Hons) MSc PhD (Cape Town)

Associate Professor
Chairperson of the
School of Health System and Public Health


Coordinator:  MPhil in Toxicology
Research coordinator

Division: Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
Research Interest:  

+27 12 356 3273

Email: [email protected]
Office: HWS North Building,
Room no: 5-40

Name: BASU Debashis, Prof
Qualifications: MSc (Med), MPH, MBA, MMed,
FCPHM, PhD (Med)
Position: Professor
Head of Department of Public Health Medicine
Division: Department of Public Health Medicine
Research Interest: Public Health Medicine and Preventive Medicine
Telephone: +27 12 354 4371
Email: [email protected]
Office: Steve Biko Academic Hospital
Room 51146

Name: BEKE Andy , Prof Andy Beke
Qualifications: MBChB (Ghana),  MMed (CommHealth) (Medunsa), FCPHM (SA), FGCP, DTM&H,  DPH,  DHSM, DOH (Witwatersrand
Position: Adjunct Professor

Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
Monitoring and Evaluation

Research Interest: Prof Beke is a specialist Occupational Physician and Monitoring and Evaluation expert. His main interest is in capacity building in M&E for strengthening health systems and service delivery. Research areas include evaluation of TB, malaria and HIV/AIDS programmes, client satisfaction surveys, health facility audits and surveys.
Telephone: +27 12 356 3255
Email: [email protected]
Office: HWS North Building,
Room no: 5-12

Name: BUCH Eric, Prof Prof Eric Buch 


Position: Professor
Division: Behaviour and Health Management Sciences
Research Interest:  
Telephone: +27 12 356 3289
Email: [email protected]
Office: HWS North Building
Room no: 7-39

Name: CLAASEN Nico, Dr Dr Nico Claasen
Qualifications: BSc, MSc (Potch) PhD(UP)
Position: Lecturer
Portfolio: BSc Hons (Environmental and Occupational Health) coordinator
Division: Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
Research Interest: Dr Claassen is a physiologist with interest in occupational stress, in particular thermal stress. Current projects relate to the influence of clothing on thermoregulation; the use of heart rate variability, allostatic load and questionnaires to identify employees that may experience increased occupational stress levels; and, whole body vibration and mobile equipment.
Telephone: +27 12 356 3256
Email: [email protected]
Office: HWS North Building,
Room no 5-14

Name: DE JAGER Tiaan, Prof Prof Tiaan de Jager
Qualifications: BSc, BSc(Hons), MSc (UFS), PhD (Pret),
Post Doc (Laval, Canada)
Position: Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences
Director: UP ISMC 
Division: Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
Research Interest: Prof de Jager’s main research focus is on sustainable malaria control.  He is also doing research in the field of environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), including pesticides and industrial pollutants.  The EDC laboratory is focusing on bio-assays for estrogenic activity and water quality. The toxicology laboratory focuses on male reproductive health and function
Telephone: +27 12 319 2192
Email: [email protected]
Office: Health Sciences Building: Deans Complex
Room no: R5-21

Name: GIRDLER-BROWN Brendan, Prof Prof Brendan Girdler-Brown

BSc(Agric)(Natal), MBChB(Rhodesia),
LRCP, LRCS (RCP Edinburgh)
LRCP&S (RCP Glasgow)
MBA (Cape Town),
MMed(Community Health) (Cape Town)
Hons BCom(Economics) (UNISA)

Position: Extra-ordinary Professor / Senior Lecturer
Portfolio: Biostatistics and infectious disease epidemiology 
Division: Health Measurement Sciences
Research Interest: Infectious disease epidemiology, particularly TB and HIV. Cancer epidemiology. Interrupted time series analysis. 
Telephone: +27 12 356 3287

[email protected]
[email protected]

Office: HWS North Building,
Room no: 5-11

Name: HARRIS Bernice, Dr Dr Bernice Harris
Qualifications: MBChB MMed(Community Health) (Pret)
Position: Senior Lecturer

Coordinator: DTM&H
Coordinator: MPH (Disease Control)

Division: Health Measurement Sciences
Research Interest: Dr Harris is a Community Health Specialist with an interest in infectious diseases and epidemiology. She is the coordinator of the Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Health (DTM&H) and the disease control track of the MPH
Telephone: +27 12 356 3249
Email: [email protected]
Office: HWS North Building,
Room no: 5-03


KRUGER Taneshka, Dr
Qualifications: PhD
Position: Project Manager: University of Pretoria Institute for Sustainable Malaria Control (UP ISMC)
Division: Environmental and Occupational Health
Research Interest:

Dr Kruger is currently involved with the durable wall lining project – an innovative malaria vector control method.

Main function: Coordinate all Malaria Research at UP

For more information on the UP CSMC go to

Telephone: +27 12 319 2381
Email: [email protected]
Office: Health Sciences Building: Deans Complex
Room no: R4-15




MBChB (Natal),
Higher Certificate in
Management (FPD), MPH (UP)

Position: Lecturer

Programme Coordinator: MSc Epidemiology, MSc Clinical Epidemiology

Faculty Research Forum Sub-Committee Member

Division: Health Measurement Sciences
Research Interest: Reproductive Health, HPV Vaccination, HIV/AIDS, Cancer Epidemiology, Monitoring and Evaluation, Geospatial Analysis
Telephone: +27 12 356 3252
Email: [email protected]
Office: HWS North Building,
Room no: 5-7

Name: MOROPENG Lucky,  Mr Lucky Moropeng
Qualifications: MSc (Medical Virology), Medunsa;
BSc (Medical Sciences), University of the North
Position: Lecturer
Division: Health Measurement Sciences
Research Interest: Mr Moropeng's research focus has been on investigating the effect of HIV co-infection on HBV detection in South Africa. He currently has a special interest on quality and safety of stream waters associated with recreational use and consumption in Tshwane municipality of Gauteng Province, South Africa.
Telephone: +27 12 356 3251
Email: [email protected]
Office: HWS North Building,
Room no: 5-06


NAPOLES Lizeka, Mrs  

Mrs Lizeka Napoles

BSc Dietetics, Dip. Hosp. Dietetics (University of Natal)
Higher Diploma in Education (University of Transkei)
MPH (University of California, Los Angeles)

Position: Lecturer
Portfolio: Coordinator: MPH
Division: Behaviour and Health Management Sciences
Research Interest: Mrs Napoles is focusing on Nutrition in Health Promoting Schools. Her current projects include environmental influences on nutrition and eating behaviours of primary school children as well as efficacy of the HPS framework to change targeted nutrition behaviours of primary school children.
Telephone: Tel: +27 356 3280
Email: Email: [email protected]
Office: HWS North Building,
Room no: 6-14


RÖLLIN Halina, Prof

RÖLLIN Halina, Prof

MSc (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland); PhD (University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa)

Position: Senior Research Fellow
Division: Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
Research Interest: Professor Röllin is a NRF C2 rated scientist with main research focus on the toxicity of the persistent pollutants and health. She is involved in on-going multidisciplinary, multi-institutional research collaboration that evaluates exposures and effects of persistent toxic substances (PTS) on reproductive health and birth outcomes in populations of the northern and southern hemispheres. Her other research interests are climate change and nanoparticles.
Telephone: +27 12 356 3261
Email: [email protected]
Office: HWS North Building,
Room no: 5-18.1



Flavia Senkubuge

MMed Community Health (Pret)

Position: Senior Lecturer
Division: Head: Behaviour and Health Management Sciences
Research Interest: Dr Senkubuge is a Public Health Medicine specialist. Her interest areas are global health diplomacy, Sustainable development, Universal Health Coverage (UHC), Health systems and policy, tobacco control with a special focus on pictorial warnings labels and the social determinants of health
Telephone: +27 12 356 3276
Email: [email protected]
Office: HWS North Building,
Room no: 6-07




PhD (Environmental Health) (UP)
MPH (Environmental Health) (UP)
BSc(Med)(Hons) (Environmental Health) (MEDUNSA)
N. Dip and B. Tech (Environmental Health) (TUT)
Post Graduate Diploma: Health Sciences Education (WITS)

Position: Lecturer
Division: Behaviour and Health Management Sciences
Research Interest: Health promotion and Social and Environmental determinants of Health. Dr Shirinde’s current research focuses on the effects of indoor and outdoor air pollution on children’s health.
Telephone: +27 12 356 3281
Email: [email protected]
Office: HWS North Building,
Room no: 6-06

Name: TURNER Astrid, Dr Dr Astrid Turner

MBChB (UCT),  Dip HIV (SA), 
FCPHM, MMed (Public Health)

Position: Specialist/Lecturer
Portfolio: Coordinator:  Undergraduate  MBChB
Research Interest: Dr Turner is a Public Health Medicine Specialist with experience in the public and private sector that ranges from disease-specific programmes to broader aspects of Monitoring & Evaluation; Health management; Health System Strengthening (HSS) and Health Impact Assessments (HIA) (in the extractive industry). Her research interest is medical education and health economics
Telephone: +27 12 356 3266
Email: [email protected]
Office: HWS North Building,
Room no: 5-27

Name: WEBB Elize, Dr Elize Webb

BSc Agric (Genetics)
BSc Agric Hons (Genetics)
MPH (Cum laude)
PhD Epidemiology [Pret]

Position: Senior Lecturer
Portfolio: Faculty representative: UP Library Advisory Committee; Member: Faculty of Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee; Member: SHSPH EXEC, RESCOM, AAC, APC and Finance Committees
Division: Head:  Health Measurement Sciences
Research Interest: Dr Elize Webb is a health systems epidemiologist. Her research focuses on diabetes and hypertension care at the primary health care level, in order to understand and better service delivery as applied to chronic diseases in general.    She also has a special interest in monitoring and evaluation of health programmes at primary care level.
Telephone: +27 12 356 3250
Email: [email protected]
Office: HWS North Building,
Room no: 5-05


WICHMANN Janine, Prof

Prof Janine Wichmann

PhD(Environmental Health) (UP)
MSc(Environmental Ecology) (UP)
MSc(Med)(Chemical Pathology) (UCT)
BSc(Hons)(Chemistry) (UP)
BSc(Chemistry & Biochemistry) (UP)

Position: Associate Professor
Portfolio: Coordinator: PhD
Division: Head:  Environmental and Occupational
Health Sciences
Research Interest: Prof Wichmann completed her PhD at the School of Health Systems and Public Health, University of Pretoria in 2005. She gained research experience at the CSIR, Pretoria; University of Utrecht in the Netherlands; the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden; the International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon, France; the University of Copenhagen in Denmark and the University of Gothenburg in Sweden during 1998 to 2012. She is currently employed as a Associate Professor at the University of Pretoria. Her research interests are air pollution and climate change epidemiology
Telephone: +27 12 356 3259
Email: [email protected]
Office: HWS North Building,
Room no: 5-17



Dr Liz Wolvaardt

B Cur(Pret), MPH (Pret), PhD (Pret)

Position: Senior Lecturer

Coordinator:  DPH
General Operations:  DHSM

Division: Behaviour and Health Management Sciences
Research Interest: Dr Wolvaardt is a public health and education specialist. Her research interest is health systems strengthening and particularly the use of action research as a way to strengthen health systems.  Her other research interests are the inclusion and expansion of public health in the undergraduate medical curriculum, professional development and living theory
Telephone: + 27 12 356 3278
Email: [email protected]
Office: HWS North Building,
Room no: 6-12


ZUNGU Muzimkhulu, Dr Dr Muzimkhulu Zungu
Qualifications: MBChB (UCT), DOMH (UP),
MMed Comm Health (UP), FCPHM (SA
Position: Senior Lecturer
Portfolio: Coordinator:  DOMH and DipOH
Division: Environmental and Occupational Health
Research Interest: Dr Zungu is a  Public Health Medicine Specialist with interest in occupational health policy, systems and management as well as the provision of occupational health, especially HIV and TB interventions in South Africa.
Telephone: +27 12 356 3281
Email: [email protected]
Office: HWS North Building,
Room no: 5-15

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