External Research Funding and Grant Management

Research Funding Agencies & Programs

The Research Grants Management Division assists with the following pre- and post-award support services

Pre-award support services

Post-award support services

  1. Identify suitable calls for funding
  2. Prepare budgets for grant applications
  3. Coordinate application inputs from collaborators
  4. Collect supporting documents/ appendices
  5. Arrange UP institutional support letters
  6. Review applications for completeness and compliance
  7. Approve applications on certain online application platforms
  8. Follow up on submitted applications
  1. Prepare institutional audit or compliance forms
  2. Register UP on supplier databases were UP researchers are sub-awardees
  3. Assist with requests for agreements
  4. Assist to create cost centre numbers
  5. Issue invoices, banking letters, etc.
  6. Remind UP researchers of due dates for reports
  7. Ensure compliance with grant conditions
  8. Administrative management of sub-awardees on UP grants



Pre-Awards Post-Awards


Pre-Awards Post-Awards

Quick Links to Resources

Pre-Award System

Budget UP

Research Africa

Grant Management

Resource for Grant Application


Quick Links to Online Application Systems

Wellcome Trust



Proposal Central



XXA Research Fund

Common Grant Application


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