I haven’t used all of the allocated funds for my NRF grant within this year. May I carry funds over to the next year?

Please consult THIS BOOKLET for all of the criteria and requirements to carry forward NRF grant funding.
For more information contact Verna Mulder at the Department of Finance at [email protected] or 012 420 4739. 




Am I allowed to hold more than one NRF grant?

An applicant is allowed to hold certain multiple NRF grants. THIS DOCUMENT provides an overview of which grants an applicant may hold at once.

I am applying for a NRF sabbatical leave grant. I don’t have enough sabbatical leave in the HR system. May I still apply?

There seems to be confusion regarding the granting of sabbatical leave to staff. Important to note that there are different types of sabbatical leave. The existing policy allows staff to take sabbatical leave on condition that they have enough leave credit accumulated to do so. The leave gets captured on the HR System. No obligation on return of the sabbatical leave gets committed.

The receivers of the NRF Sabbatical leave grants do however have to sign an obligation equivalent to the period that they received the award. No leave is captured on the system. This period may not exceed 12 months.



Can technical staff members apply for the NRF Sabbatical Grants?

The UP leave policy does not allow for technical staff members to take such leave so, technical staff members cannot apply.


What do I need to do apply?

You need to fill in an intent form and send it to the Grants Management Division via email, to [email protected] and make sure that your supervisor completes the letter of recommendation on the NRF system that the NRF will send to them once your application has been made on the system.



Can I apply for the sabbatical grant when I am only starting out with my PhD?

No, you cannot apply when you are only starting out. The grants are for researchers that are nearing the end of their studies.



Can I apply for the Sabbatical grant if I am a contract employee?

Yes you may apply as long as your contract expires at least a year after you have returned from your sabbatical leave.



Who should write my recommendation letter?

The NRF sends your supervisor an email requesting them to write you a recommendation letter.


- Author Ninette Mouton

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