University of Pretoria - Research Development Programme (RDP)

Content covered on this page: 

1. Overview 

2. Deadline dates 

3. Funding period 

4. Eligibility 

5. Value of funding 

6. Application process 

7. Additional resources 

8. Contact persons - DRI and Faculty Administrators 

9. Help videos and guides 

9.1 How to access the RDP online form 

9.2 How to complete a new RDP application (year 1) 

9.3 How to verify supervisor and HOD approvals 

9.4 Guide for supvervisor and HoD approvals 

9.5 How faculty administrators should rank applications 

9.6 How to apply for RDP renewal (year 2 and/or 3) 

9.7 How to print out the cost centre - mandatory attachment for RDP Renewal applications 

9.8 RDP Reviewers' Guide

10. Attend RDP application training 


1. Overview:

The University of Pretoria funds the Research Development Programme (RDP). RDP provides seed funding to researchers seeking to establish their research careers. This procedural guide provides the steps to complete a new application, renewal application and a final report.

2. Deadline dates

Open for online applications: Friday, 25 February 

Faculty deadline date: Monday, 18 February

All new applications (year 1) must be submitted by the faculty deadline date for faculty review and ranking 

DRI deadline: Friday, 22 March

Faculty Administrators must submit reviewed and ranked applications by DRI deadline date

Renewal applications (year 2 and/ or 3) must be submitted by the DRI deadline date

Panel meeting: Friday, 08 March

Expected outcome of applications: Friday, 08 March

3. Funding period:

RDP provides funding for one to three years for early career applicants and one year for established researchers who are newly appointed at UP. 

4. Eligibility:

  • Early career researchers or established researchers who have joined UP for less than a year and require bridging funds
  • Doctoral qualification – exceptions where research is in a particularly broad research field in which there are national shortage of doctoral candidates
  • Permanent full-time member of staff – exceptions for contract appointments that are for three year period or longer

5. Value of funding

  • Maximum amount awarded is R50, 000 per year
  • Annual competitive renewal process
  • Excludes travel abroad and scholarships

6. Application process:

Applicants apply annually on PeopleSoft.

Applicants are responsible to follow up on approvals from the mentors, HOD and faculty administrator.

Applicants should contact the faculty administrator to confirm the faculty deadline.

Faculty administrators must submit ranked faculty applications by the DRI deadline.

  • New application (year 1)
  • Renewal application (year 2 and/ or 3)
  • Final report (at the end of the funding period)

7. Additional Resources


Procedural Guide 

8. DRI contact persons:

Ms Noluthando Zikode

Tel: 012 420 5847

E-mail:  [email protected]


Ms Ninette Mouton  

Tel: 012 420 3528

E-mail:  [email protected]


Faculty Administrator contact details: 

Faculty  Contact person  Email
EBIT  Shoba Govender  [email protected]
Education  Prof Saloshna Vandeyar [email protected]
EMS  Marcel Deysel [email protected]
Health Sciences Natasha Jeftha  [email protected]
Humanties  Aretha Schultz [email protected]
  Fanele Khuzwayo [email protected]
Law  Prof Steve Cornelius [email protected]
Theology  Daleen Kotze [email protected]
Veterinary Sciences Rene Perridge [email protected]

9. Help videos and guides

9.1 How to access the RDP online form 

Click here to download pdf help guide. 

9.2 How to complete a new RDP application (year 1) 

Click here to download pdf help guide 

9.3 How to verify supervisor and HOD approvals 

Click here to download pdf help guide 

9.4 Guide for supvervisor and HoD approvals 

Click here to download pdf help guide 

9.5 How faculty administrators should rank applications 

Click here to download pdf help guide

9.6 How to apply for RDP renewal (year 2 and/or 3) 

Click here to download pdf help guide

9.7 How to print out the cost centre - mandatory attachment for RDP Renewal applications 

Click here to download pdf help guide

9.8 RDP Reviewers' Guide

Click here to download help guide

10. Attend RDP Application Training:

DRI offers training to faculty administrators and applicants on how to apply for RDP funding through the online application form on PeopleSoft. 

Below are the training dates, venue and times. 

Click here to RSVP 


Target audience  Date Time  Venue 
New applicants                            (year 1)  2019 Dates TBC  13:30 - 14:30 Green Lab, Informatorium, Hatfield Campus 
Renewal applicants                (year 2 and/or 3)  2019 Dates TBC 14:45 - 15:45 Yellow Lab, Informatorium, Hatfield Campus

Click here to download Hatfield Campus map to find the relevant venues (Building #67)


For queries regarding the training contact: 

Ms Abigail Siwele

Tel: 012 420 4492

E-mail:  [email protected]

- Author Ninette Mouton

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