House Ukuthula

House Olympus is home to the male health science students of the University of Pretoria. It is situated on the top of the hill overlooking the whole medical campus. The proximity of class and the academic hospital is really convenient, especially after a long night behind your books or in The Crooked Surgeon (our clubhouse).

When you move into Olympus you will have your own room from your first year. Nine Olympians share a corridor, kitchen, bathroom and common living area. Each corridor in Olympus has its own unique identity where fellow students share not just the facilities, but their ideas, advice, interests and friendship.

At Olympus it has always been our approach to be competitive and to participate in all res’ activities with the focus on enjoying the experience. As all the Olympians face similar challenges in terms of their studies you find the residence a supportive and surprisingly relaxed environment. A true home from home.

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