Community Engagement and Sponsorships, Spirituality and Archives

A message from Francios Le Roux

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Dear prospective Kuiken and Olympian

I am Francois Le Roux, when we will meet I’ll be a fourth year dentistry student. I hold the portfolios of Community Engagement, which includes RAG (Reach out And Give) and Green initiatives, as well as Sponsorships. I also hold the two sub portfolios of Archives and Spirituality.

Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on your acceptance into the university of your choice and secondly on your placement in House Olympus. You have made a decision that you will be thankful for the rest of your life. This decision not only gives you an advantage over your peers but leads you to live a well-balanced life, meet lifelong friends, make unforgettable memories and become the lady charming gentlemen that only an Olympian can be.

As future healthcare professionals, we have a passion for people especially those in need. That is where RAG comes in. Here we focus on maximising the benefit to the community and changing lives for the better. I can assure you, you will find enjoyment and satisfaction by taking part. In the process of fundraising and active involvement in the community we will be collaborating with other female and male residences, making new friends is a given.

I am also responsible for your spiritual well-being, ensuring that you can connect to your God – the source of your life. As human beings, regardless of your beliefs I believe we operate on three levels: The spiritual, the soul and the physical beings, so it is equally important to feed our spiritual and soul beings as it is to feed our physical being. You will have ample opportunity to engage in your preferred place of worship which are located in the vicinity of our residence.

I truly hope that you are as excited as I am for the year ahead.

PS. If is possible we as a RAG committee would appreciate any donations in the forms of:

  1. Canned food
  2. Zip ties
  3. Paint brushes
  4. Steel nails
  5. Grinding disks

(Note: Only bring the above mentioned if you are capable of donating them. This not a mandatory expectation of you. However, any donation will be greatly appreciated.)

Francios Le Roux

072 081 0777

- Author Francios Le Roux

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