Sport and Publications

A message from Gerard Nell


IMG_0009 - Copy.jpgDear prospective Olympian

Congratulations on your admittance into the Faculty of Health Sciences and House Olympus.

The transition from school to university is a very exciting and refreshing one. At House Olympus we strive to make this transition as easy as possible for our first years. Academic performance should be the main priority for all students but I believe the key to academic success is living a healthy well-balanced life. Sport is an excellent way to keep life balanced and alleviate the stress of everyday student life.

As the HC of sport my role is to help you find the balance between work and play. House Olympus participates in hockey, rugby, cricket, soccer, basketball, golf, swimming, and many other sports. These offer the perfect platform to meet new people and form a bond with the rest of the house. Tuks offers a huge variety of other more specialised sports as well as world class facilities and equipment. I encourage every first year to take advantage of this amazing opportunity to broaden their sports horizons so as to get the most out of their time at university.

As the HC of publications, I am in charge of the “Loo News” and the recent revival of the Olympians favourite publication “Die Stet”, a yearly magazine compiled by the members of House Olympus+. First years with a passion for writing are more than welcome to come speak to me about any ideas or writing prospects.

Good luck with your exams!


Gerard Nel


- Author Gerard Nell

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