Step It UP

Step It UP

Step It UP is a bigger, more anticipated and more prestigious version of Insync, in which the whole house participates. It consists of the same general idea, in terms of formation moves and throws, but generally has a stronger story line to it. Practising for Step It UP happens mostly in the evenings, and takes weeks. The performance is a lot more refined than it is for Insync. Step It UP prelims take place on different nights for the men and the ladies. On the date assigned for Step It UP prelims, the girls will go and perform their Step It UP at different venues on Campus. Then by the mens' residences the following night. Step It UP is one of the biggest events of the year as far as planning and preparation go. The results from the prelims are tallied and the top five men’s and ladies’ residences, respectively, are selected to perform again in the finals. 


2018 - 1st Place



2015 - 1st Place


2013 - Overall winner


2012 - 3rd place



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